The Egg Race

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes manages to get out of Ilex Forest and are near the Pokemon Daycare, a Miltank, Smeargle, and Slugma were nearby, being abandoned. Ash feeds them and cheers them up, the three joining the team. Ash scans them.

[Slugma, the Lava Pokemon. A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a constant search for warm places. This Slugma is level 50 with the ability Flame Body and knows the moves Yawn, Clear Smog, Incinerate, Ancient Power, Flame Burst, Lava Plume, Rock Slide, Body Slam, Recover, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Smokescreen*Egg Move*, Acid Armor*Egg Move*, Heat Wave*Egg Move*, and Inferno*Egg Move*]

[Miltank, the Milk Cow Pokemon.
Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary. This Miltank is level 55 with the ability Scrappy and knows the moves Defense Curl, Rollout, Stomp, Heal Bell, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Milk Drink, Body Slam, Play Rough, Charm, Attract, Bide, Body Press, Heavy Slam, Iron Head, Endure, Facade, Focus Punch*Egg Move*, Present*Egg Move*, Hammer Arm*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move*]

[Smeargle, the Painter Pokemon.
A special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory. This Smeargle is level 30 with the ability Own Tempo and knows the moves Sketch, Double Team, Double-Edge, Toxic, Agility, and Recover]

Ash found out that their old trainer had a brother that's a breeder, thanks to their moves. Smeargle said that his trainer only had him for two days and decided he was useless. Miltank was defending Slugma and Smeargle from their verbally abusive trainer and thus was also abandoned. "You poor things. I promise I won't ever do that." Ash said, clearly disgusted about their old trainer.

Ash smiles and returns them to their pokeballs, going to the daycare and signs up for the race, which was tomorrow, so he decides to train.

After about an hour of training, Azurill and Wooper evolves into Marill and Quagsire. Ash scans them, glad that they had learned some new moves thanks to the other pokemon.

[Quagsire, the Water Fish Pokemon and the evolved form of Wooper.This carefree Pokémon has an easy-going nature. While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls. This Quagsire is level 52 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Yawn, Mud Shot, Aqua Tail, Muddy Water, Toxic, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Earth Power, Ice Punch, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Recover*Egg Move*, Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Acid Spray*Egg Move*, and Body Slam*Egg Move*]

[Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Azurill.
The fur on its body naturally repels water. It can stay dry, even when it plays in the water. This Marill is level 30 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Helping Hand, Bubble Beam, Charm, Defense Curl, Rollout, Aqua Tail, Hyper Voice, Draining Kiss, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Play Rough, Bounce, Body Slam*Egg Move*, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Copycat*Egg Move*, and Present*Egg Move*]

Ash wipes his forehead, smiling a bit.
The next day at the beginning of the race, Ash has Bayleef to help, but he sees Gary and his Arcanine. Ash sighs in annoyance. Gary notices Ash and goes to him and Ash's Bayleef, Eevee, and Pikachu.

"Ashy Boy, didn't know you got here.
What do you think you're doing here?" Gary mocked, Bayleef growls at Gary. Ash gets Bayleef to stop and looks at him. "I'm just here for the race. I'm assuming you're here for the same reason?" Ash said, Gary smirks and brags with the words "Of course. Arcanine will definitely win."

The daycare man approaches to the racers. "Attention everyone! Here are the rules! In order to win, we hid egg replicas around the fields, you must collect more than your opponents. You are not allowed to battle each other. If you order your pokemon to attack any of the racer's or their pokemon, you will automatically be disqualified! Your pokemon will be the runners. Be sure to stay on your skateboards at all times. You aren't allowed to ride on your pokemon either. But you may have a smaller pokemon ride on their back or on your head or shoulder, but the no attacking others still applies to them.
Now on your marks..Get set..GO!"

The racers start going, many pokemon and trainers speeding into the dirt road by the fields. Ash has Pikachu and Eevee on his shoulders, who were holding on. Ash knows that the Chikorita line aren't the fastest, so he trains his slower pokemon to be very fast, so she zips past many of the racers. Gary and Ash were collect more and more of the eggs, eventually being tied.

Ash finds the last egg that was hidden in a bush, grabbing it, and Bayleef speeding to the finish line, setting the eggs on the table, Gary comes back with the eggs he collected.
After the other racers come back, the daycare man counts all of the eggs everyone collected.

"The runner up is Gary Oak with 16 eggs!" Gary was shocked. "And the winner is Ash Ketchum with 17 eggs!"
A round of applause was heard as the daycare lady gives Ash his eggs and says "Congratulations Ash. Take good care of the little ones."
Ash nods and thanks the couple.

Ash sees Team Rocket stealing pokemon eggs from the daycare building and brings out Larvitar, Hoothoot, Ledyba, and Spinarak.
They all chase down said thieves, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Spinarak, and Larvitar evolves into Noctowl, Ledian, Ariados, and Pupitar. Ash then scans the four pokemon.

[Noctowl, the Owl Pokemon and the evolved form of Hoothoot. Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark. This Noctowl is level 55 and knows the moves Peck, Echoed Voice, Psychic, Hypnosis, Moonblast, Air Slash, Extrasensory, Roost, Take Down, Steel Wing, Protect, Dream Eater, Reflect, Light Screen, Shadow Ball, Swift, Hurricane, Sky Attack,
Calm Mind, Stored Power, Feather Dance*Egg Move*, and Night Shade*Egg Move]

[Pupitar, the Hard Shell Pokemon and the evolved form of Larvitar. Even sealed in its shell, it can move freely. Hard and fast, it has outstanding destructive power. This Pupitar is level 40 with the new ability Shed Skin and knows the moves Rock Slide, Earthquake, Payback, Bite, Hidden Power, Dig, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Earth Power, Sandstorm, Screech, Iron Defense, Crunch, Stomping Tantrum, Dark Pulse, Stomp*Egg Move*, and Ancient Power*Egg Move*]

[Ledian, the Five Star Pokemon and the evolved form of Ledyba. The star patterns on its back grow larger or smaller depending on the number of stars in the night sky. This Ledian is level 47 and knows the moves Silver Wind, Mach Punch, Swift, U-Turn,
Comet Punch, Agility, Supersonic,
Safeguard, Light Screen, Reflect, Air Slash, Giga Drain, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Double Team, Bug Bite, Drain Punch, U-Turn, Focus Punch, Dizzy Punch*Egg Move*,
Psybeam*Egg Move*, Bide*Egg Move*, and Bug Buzz*Egg Move*]

[Ariados, the Long Legs Pokemon and the evolved form of Spinarak. A single strand of a special string is endlessly spun out of its rear. The string leads back to its nest. This Ariados is level 45 and knows the moves Signal Beam, String Shot, Poison Sting, Spider Web, Bug Bite, Toxic, Infestation, Bounce, Electroweb, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Scary Face, Venoshock, Night Shade, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Foul Play, Poison Jab, Throat Chop, Twineedle*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, Sonic Boom*Egg Move*, Psybeam*Egg Move*, and Megahorn*Egg Move*]

Team Rocket went pale at this.
"Ahem. Care to give those back?" Misty said, coming over with Brock and Falkner, finding them. Team Rocket tries to flee with the eggs.
"Ariados, Noctowl, get the eggs back with Psychic." Ash ordered, the two newly evolved pokemon obeys, the eggs floating to them. Meowth notices this. "Hey! Give those back!" A Wobbuffet pops out of Jessie's pokeball belt with a "Wobbuffet!" Ash and the others were surprised Jessie has a Wobbuffet. Ugh! This stupid Wobbuffet is so annoying! I cant believe I accidentally traded Lickitung for it! Jessie thought, Ash sighing. "Ariados, wrap them up with String Shot." Ariados obeys, effectively binding Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt, Eevee, Double-Edge." The two pokemon obeys, Pikachu shocking them with Thunderbolt and Eevee bombarding them to the sky with Double-Edge.
"Oh thank goodness the eggs are okay!" The daycare lady exclaimed, giving Ash a TM for Helping Hand.
"Thank you Ma'am."
Now our heroes head off to Goldenrod, new eggs in tow, and to the next gym, as the journey continues.

End of Chapter Eleven

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