Ilex Shenanigans Part 1

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes are in Ilex Forest enroute to Goldenrod City. "So Ash, what's your strategy against the gym leader?"
Misty asked. "Well, the leader, Whitney, she uses normal and sometimes fairy types, she often uses Chansey, Clefairy, and Miltank. Chansey and Miltank are probably gonna be a bit more difficult due to their defenses and all three of of them are female with Attract. So I'm gonna train a little bit more and try to think of more strategies incase any of my usual strategies doesn't work." Ash explains, Brock nods and says "Miltank are powerful when used right. I think extra training won't hurt."

Ash looks around, seeing a Gligar and two shiny Aipoms in the trees. The three spots the gang, looking shocked.
Gligar flies to the north, the Aipom following suit, but by swinging from tree to tree. Ash seems to be confused by that. What's wrong? Did I spook them? Ash thought, then Misty screams. Ash turns to Misty quickly, seeing a shiny Houndour growling at Misty, a small bruise on it's paw.

"Misty, what's going on?" Ash asks, running over, Misty turns to him, saying "I stepped on this Houndour's paw by accident and it's now really mad!" Ash sprays a Full Restore on Houndour, petting it gently.
"Hey, don't worry. I'll be sure she doesn't do that again." Ash said softly.
Houndour looks at Ash and licks him affectionately. Ash giggles a bit.
"H-hey, that tickles!" Houndour nuzzles Ash's leg, clearly content with Ash. Pikachu and Eevee goes to Ash, Misty, and Houndour with Oran Berries. The pokemon have a nice snack and chat, Houndour joining Ash's squad. Ash scans his new pal.

[Houndour, the Dark Pokemon.
Around dawn, its ominous howl echoes through the area to announce that this is its territory. This Houndour is level 58 with the ability Flash Fire and knows the moves Leer, Roar, Fire Fang, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Flamethrower, Crunch, Flame Charge, Inferno, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Fire Spin*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, Thunder Fang*Egg Move*, and Sucker Punch*Egg Move*]

Ash smiled and says "You have quite the moveset." Houndour seems proud at that comment, but looks up, the Gligar from before is back and lands in front of them. <Houndour! Murkrow and the Aipom twins got ambushed and poisoned!> Gligar said in his pokemon tongue, clearly worried. Ash and Houndour looks shocked. "Poisoned? By who?" Ash asked, Houndour and Gligar looks shocked. They didn't expect Ash to know the pokemon language.
Ash explains his powers, the two pokemon understands a bit.

"Where are the poisoned pokemon? I have plenty of healing items and berries. That should help." Ash asked, Gligar nods and jumps in the tree, gliding to the direction of the Murkrow and Aipoms, Ash and his pokemon following. There was a small crown of pokemon there around the three pokemon, as if to protect them.
A Shuckle, Yanma, Wynaut, and Snubull were there, all of them were shiny. Ash was puzzled, but decided not to ask anything yet. They need help.

<Guys guys! I found a human that can help!>Gligar cheered, the others looking surprised and a bit hostile, well, Snubbull mainly.
<Why would you bring a human?! You know what our old trainer did to us!> Snubbull barked, but Houndour stomped his foot, causing Snubbull to flinch. <I understand your anger Snubbull, but I know this human. He has a kind heart. He has what we need to help the three. He healed me when another human stepped on my foot.> Houndour explained, Snubbull sighs.<Okay, I know you well Houndour, so I know to trust you.>
Snubbull conceded.

Ash goes to the Murkrow and Aipoms, spraying them with Full Restores, which healed the poison and any other wounds or damage from the Poison. "There we go. You two should be just fine." Ash said with a calm tone and soft smile. The three looked at Ash, the Aipoms recognizes him.
<Hey, it's the human we saw in the trees!> One of the Aipom said, the other nodding. <Thanks a whole bunch!> The other said, Ash smiles at this, seeing Murkrow, who instead of it's normal blue was it's shiny coloring of pink, though a darker shade and red eyes.

<Thank you for the help.> The Murkrow thanked. The pokemon explained how their old trainer was cruel and abusive, it broke Ash's heart to learn this. They all agree to join Ash's team with Houndour. He scans all of them.

[Aipom, the Long Tail Pokemon.It uses its tail to pluck fruits that are out of reach. Its tail is more adept than its real hands. These Aipom are level 25 with one having the ability Skill Link and the other Pickup and it's moves are Swift, Focus Punch, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Double Team, Acrobatics, Bounce*Egg Move*, Double Slap*Egg Move*, Fake Out*Egg Move*, Revenge*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, and Tail Slap*Egg Move*]

[Snubbull, the Fairy Pokemon. Despite its intimidating face, it's quite cowardly. Its desperate attempts to appear threatening make it popular with people. This Snubbull is level 25 with the ability Intimidate and knows the moves Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Scary Face, Bite, Lick, Headbutt, Roar, Work Up, Protect, Close Combat*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move*, Heal Bell*Egg Move*, and Metronome*Egg Move,]

[Wynaut, the Bright Pokemon.
Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks. This Wynaut is level 10 with the ability Telepathy and knows the moves Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Charm, Encore, and Amnesia]

[Yanma, the Clear Wing Pokemon.
Yanma is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept at making sudden stops and turning midair. This Pokémon uses its flying ability to quickly chase down targeted prey. This Yanma is level 30 with the ability Compound Eyes and knows the moves Quick Attack, Double Team, Detect, Sonic Boom, Detect, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, U-Turn, Psychic, Feint Attack*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move*, Signal Beam*Egg Move*, and Silver Wind*Egg Move *]

[Shuckle, the Mold Pokemon.
The fluid secreted by its toes carves holes in rocks for nesting and can be mixed with Berries to make a drink. This Shuckle is level 65 with the ability Sturdy and knows the moves Withdraw, Rollout, Struggle Bug, Safeguard, Bug Bite, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Protect, Endure, Gyro Ball, Shell Smash, Sweet Scent*Egg Move*, Acid*Egg Move*, and Infestation*Egg Move*]

[Murkrow, the Darkness Pokemon.
It is said that when chased, it lures its attacker onto dark mountain trails where the foe will get lost.
This Murkrow is level 60 with the ability Super Luck and knows the moves Wing Attack, Foul Play, Assurance, Feint Attack, Mean Look, Sucker Punch, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Double Team, Brave Bird*Egg Move*, Feather Dance*Egg Move*, Roost*Egg Move*, Drill Peck*Egg Move*, and Sky Attack*Egg Move*]

[Gligar, the Fly Scorpion Pokemon. It builds its nest on a steep cliff. When it is done gliding, it hops along the ground back to its nest. This Gligar is level 55 with the ability Hyper Cutter and knows the moves Sand Attack, Fury Cutter, Feint Attack, Acrobatics, Slash, U-Turn, Sky Uppercut, Swords Dance, Steel Wing, Guillotine, Metal Claw*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move, Cross Poison*Egg Move*, Poison Tail*Egg Move*, Razor Wind*Egg Move*, and Razor Wind*Egg Move*]

A large explosion was heard, a part of the forest starting to be on fire.
What will happen next? How will our heroes get out of this mess. We'll find out.
As the journey continues .

End of Chapter Nine

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