Nerves of Steelix

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrives at Olivine City with Ash's Xatu's Teleport, Ash returning it in it's pokeball and they head in the gym.

"Ash, everyone, thank you again for the help. Amphy is doing just fine." Jasmine greets and explains.

She and Ash goes to the battlefield.
"This will be a four on four. Got it?"
Jasmine declared, Ash nodding.
Jasmine sends out a Magenton and Ash sends out Meganium.

"Magneton, Magnet Bomb!" Magneton goes after Meganium, but she dodges it. "Meganium! Plan SVWEB1!"
Meganium nods, using Safeguard first, then uses Vine Whip to hold down Magneton, and using Energy Ball.

Magneton floats up weakly.
"Magneton, use Double Team!" Jasmine called out, Magneton obeys easily.

"MLPD27 Meganium!" Meganium uses Magical Leaf, which hit all of the Magneton clones and Magneton hard, then finishes the job with a powerful Petal Dance.

"Magneton is unable to battle! Meganium wins!" The referee calls out.

Jasmine and Ash returns their pokemon back into their pokeballs and brings out their next ones. Forretress and Typhlosion.

"DTLP36 Typhlosion!" Ash calls out, Typhlosion then uses Double Team, then Lava Plume, hitting Forretress hard.

"Use Rapid Spin!" Jasmine calls out, the Forretress obeys, but then Ash says "EE42!" Typhlosion holds Forretress in place with Extrasensory and obliterates it with Eruption.

"Forretress is unable to battle! Typhlosion wins!"

They return their pokemon and send out Skarmory and Feraligatr.

"DDS18!" Feraligatr nods and uses Dragon Dance and then uses Slash hard on Skarmory. "Aerial Ace!" Jasmine calls out. "AJHP30!" Ash commands, Feraligatr quickly using Aqua Jet and blasting Skarmory with Hydro Pump.

"Skarmory is unable to battle! Feraligatr wins!"

They return the two and Jasmine sends out Steelix and Pikachu runs on the battle field.

"RDDTDVT47!" Pikachu nods and uses Rain Dance after dodging Bind, then makes clones with Double Team, they all use Dig, and the real one pops out, landing Volt Tackle and due to Steelix being soaked, it was able to be effective.

"Steelix is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! The victory goes to Ash Ketchum!"

Jasmine returns Steelix and goes to Ash. "I'm not surprised Ash. You definitely earned these." Jasmine gives Ash the Mineral Badge and the TM for Smart Strike and the TR for Iron Tail.

Ash thanks Jasmine and goes to the pokemon center, training his pokemon. Marill and Slugma evolves into Azumarill and Magcargo

[Azumarill, the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon and the evolved form of Marill.
The bubble-like pattern on its stomach helps it camouflage itself when it's in the water.
This Azumarill is level 50 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Double-Edge, Superpower, Surf, Helping Hand, Blizzard, Bubble Beam, Charm, Protect, Ice Punch, Defense Curl, Rollout, Swift, Bulldoze, Aqua Tail, Hyper Voice, Draining Kiss, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Play Rough, Bounce, Body Slam*Egg Move*, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Copycat*Egg Move*, and Present*Egg Move*]

[Magcargo, the Lava Pokemon and the evolved form of Slugma.
Its body is as hot as lava and is always billowing. Flames will occasionally burst from its shell.
This Magcargo is level 55 and knows the moves Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Solarbeam, Yawn, Clear Smog, Incinerate, Ancient Power, Rock Polish, Flame Burst, Lava Plume, Rock Slide, Body Slam, Recover, Earth Power, Double Team, Shell Smash, Flamethrower, Smokescreen*Egg Move*, Acid Armor*Egg Move*, Heat Wave*Egg Move*, and Inferno*Egg Move*]

"So where are we gonna go next?" Misty asks, Ash shows a picture of Mahogany Town.

"Mahogany Town is close to Ecruteak City. We can teleport there and go through the water with our water pokemon like Feraligatr or Mantine." Ash explains.

The gang agrees and the head to Route 42 easily thanks to Teleport and having a good amount of water types.

Our heroes goes enroute to Mahogany Town.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Nineteen

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