Nightly Festival and New Friends

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes are still on the road to Azalea Town for Ash's second Johto badge. They decided to take a pitstop at a nearby lake, Ash polishing his Celebi's ball, the GS Ball.

"And all cleaned up. Oh! There's supposed to be a ritual tonight for the Wooper and Quagsire nearby. If I remain correctly, it's the Blue Moon Festi-"Ash was then interrupted by a shiny female Wooper approaching him, seeming excited.

<Hey Mr! Can I borrow that shiny ball please?! There's a special festival that I wanna be a part of! But I need something round!>
The Wooper explained, Ash thought about it. It would be impractical for Celebi's pokeball to go missing. Then again, he didn't wanna hurt the little one's feelings. He did remember about the festival.

Every Wooper and Quagsire let's an item float off to a river and waterfall, the items are usually round and a bit light like a small rock or a berry. Whatever reaches the lake side first, the owner of said item will gain great luck.
Ash thought it would be fun to participate in. And it would make Wooper happy.

"Alright Wooper, you can. But remember, afterwards, I will need it back."
The Wooper was very happy and didn't object to giving it back. It was only fair, seeing how the ball is his.
Ash's Celebi floats over.

"Hey Celebi, Wooper wants to borrow your ball for the Blue Moon festival. Is that okay?"
<It is, but please dont let it get damaged, okay?> Celebi answered, Wooper hopped up and down happily.
<I promise Ms!> Wooper exclaimed happily. Misty comes over.

"Hey Ash, Brock wants to-" Misty then sees the Wooper.
"Aww, a shiny Wooper! How cute!"
The Wooper was surprised by Misty's outburst, Ash flinching from said outburst.
"Misty, please keep it down." He asked, rubbing his right ear.
"R-right, sorry." Misty then continues with "Anyways, Brock wants to know where he can get Lum Berries, since we're out of status medicines."

Ash pulls out four plant pots with plastic see-through lids, one of which has a plant full of Lum Berries.
"Before I started my journey in Kanto, I ordered these Berry Pots and some berry seeds. I figured they would be useful. And it looks like the Lum Berries are ready." He explains, plucking the berries, the plant withering away right after. In total, there are fifteen Lum Berries and he hands them to Misty, all except one.

"He can have those, I need this one to replant for more Lum Berries." Ash explained, Misty nods at this.
"Thanks Ash! Oh yeah, time to catch that Wooper!"
The Wooper huddles to Ash, protesting and finding one of Ash's empty pokeballs, tapping the button.


Click! Wooper was caught!
Ash was surprised and let's out Wooper.
<Sorry Mr, but I wanna travel with you after the festival! Is that okay?>
Ash was still perplexed, but nods, agreeing to it, pets Wooper, and looks at her dex entry.

[Wooper, the Water Fish Pokemon. When the temperature cools in the evening, they emerge from water to seek food along the shore. This Wooper is level 28 with the ability Water Absorb and knows the moves Water Gun, Rain Dance, Yawn, Mud Shot, Aqua Tail, Muddy Water, Recover*Egg Move*, Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Acid Spray*Egg Move*, and Body Slam*Egg Move*]

Ash smiles a bit. "Not a bad move pool at all. We should get you to learn an ice type attack for grass types."
Wooper nods at this.
At night, Ash and the pokemon goes to the start of the start for the festival, and he sees an Azurill, Hoppip, and Sunkern, all female and were playing happily, Wooper approaches them, having a conversation, and the four of them approaches Ash, Pikachu, Eevee, and Celebi.
<Hey, these are my best friends, Azurill, Hoppip, and Sunkern, can they join the team? Please?!>Wooper exclaimed and asked, Ash laughed a bit and nods, catching them and scans them>

[Azurill, the Polka Dot Pokemon.It swings its large, nutrient-filled tail around to fight opponents bigger than itself. This Azurill is level 15 with the ability Sap Sipper and knows the moves Water Gun, Helping Hand, Bubble Beam, Charm, Bounce, Body Slam*Egg Move*, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Copycat*Egg Move*, and Present*Egg Move*]

[Hoppip, the Cottonweed Pokemon.
It drifts on winds. It is said that when Hoppip gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way. This Hoppip is level 28 with the ability Leaf Guard and knows the moves Synthesis, Fairy Wind, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, Acrobatics, Aromatherapy*Egg Move*,Confusion*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move*,Seed Bomb*Egg Move*,Strength Sap*Egg Move*, and Endure*Egg Move*]

[Sunkern, the Seed Pokemon. It lives by drinking only dewdrops from under the leaves of plants. It is said that it eats nothing else. This Sunkern is level 22 with the ability Chlorophyll and knows the moves Growth, Grass Whistle, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Giga Drain, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Sweet Scent*Egg Move*,Endure*Egg Move*, and Morning Sun*Egg Move*]

Ash was content, seeing Wooper getting ready for the festival. At the end of it, the GS ball was the winner, Wooper very happy with this. Ash pets the pink pokemon lovingly and our heroes arrive to a shortcut to the next town.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Six

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