Miltank VS Pikachu

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive at Goldenrod City, heading to the pokemon center for a bit of rest. Ash pets his eggs, which starts to hatch. He remembers the daycare man said they would hatch soon. They hatch into a Phanpy, Teddiursa, and Bonsly, all shiny and male. Ash also finds a burned and abandoned Delibird. Ash heals it and catches it. Ash scans them all.

[Delibird, the Delivery Pokemon.
It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had. This Delibird is level 35 with the ability Vital Spirit and knows the moves Present, Drill Peck, Hail, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Steel Wing, Protect, Ice Punch, Seed Bomb, Avalanche, Brave Bird, Aurora Beam*Egg Move*, Aurora Veil*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, Ice Shard*Egg Move*, and Freeze-Dry*Egg Move*]

[Phanpy, the Long Nose Pokemon.
During the deserted morning hours, it comes ashore where it deftly uses its trunk to take a shower. This Phanpy is level 1 with the ability Sand Veil and knows the moves Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Body Slam*Egg Move*, Play Rough*Egg Move*, Head Smash*Egg Move*, Head Smash*Egg Move*, Heavy Slam*Egg Move*, and Fissure*Egg Move*]

[Teddiursa, the Little Bear Pokemon.
If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey. This Teddiursa is level 1 with the ability Pickup and knows the moves Scratch, Lick, Covet, Baby-Doll Eyes, Chip Away*Egg Move*, Metal Claw*Egg Move*, Play Rough*Egg Move*, Close Combat*Egg Move*, Cross Chop*Egg Move*, Crunch*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, and Double-Edge*Egg Move*]

[Bonsly, the Bonsai Pokemon. In order to adjust the level of fluids in its body, it exudes water from its eyes. This makes it appear to be crying.
This Bonsly is level 1 with the ability Rock Head and knows the moves Copycat, Fake Tears, Endure*Egg Move*, Headbutt*Egg Move*, Harden*Egg Move*, and Rock Polish*Egg Move*]

Ash's Entei runs to him. <Ash! There's trouble in the Ruins of Alph! An Unown was badly poisoned and there aren't any berries or antidotes to help it!> Ash looks worried at this and gets on Entei's back after returning his newly hatched pokemon in their pokeballs and getting some berries and other medicines. They speed there thanks to Entei knowing every shortcut.

A shiny "F" Unown was there and it was indeed poisoned. Ash gets off and goes to it. Many other Unown are shielding their poisoned comrade, assuming Ash will hurt it. "Don't worry. Entei got me to help. I won't hurt any of you. I promise." He said, putting on a soothing aura. The Unien all look at each other and let's Ash go to the poisoned symbol pokemon, Ash spraying a Full Restore on it.

Unown was very happy with Ash. <Thank you human. I know my species isnt the strongest, but may I go with you as a new team member? Please?> Unown thanked and asked.
Ash thinks about it and nods.
Ash catches Unown and scans it.

[Unown, the Symbol Pokemon.
Their shapes look like hieroglyphs on ancient tablets. It is said that the two are somehow related. This Unown is level 15 with the ability Levitate and only knows the move Hidden Power.]

Ash decided to train some of his pokemon again. After two hours, Hoppip, Sentret, and Mareep evolves into Skiploom, Furret, and Flaaffy.
Ash scans the three.

[Skiploom, the Cottonweed Pokemon and the evolved form of Hoppip.
It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight. It also floats in the air to get closer to the sun. This Skiploom is level 45 and knows the moves Synthesis, Fairy Wind, Cotton Spore, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, U-Turn, Acrobatics, Sunny Day, Bounce, Aromatherapy*Egg Move*, Confusion*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move*,Seed Bomb*Egg Move*,Strength Sap*Egg Move*, and Endure*Egg Move*]

[Furret, the Long Body Pokemon and the evolved form of Sentret.
It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other Pokémon to enter. This Furret is level 40 and knows the moves Super Fang, Hyper Voice, Foresight, Defense Curl, Fury Swipes, Agility, Sucker Punch, Shadow Ball, Uproar, Round, Helping Hand, Slam, Double Team, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Slash*Egg Move*,
Iron Tail*Egg Move*, and Double-Edge *Egg Move *]

[Flaaffy, the Wool Pokemon and the evolved form of Mareep. Its fluffy fleece easily stores electricity. Its rubbery hide keeps it from being electrocuted. This Flaaffy is level 30 and knows the moves Thunderbolt,
Take Down, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Signal Beam, Cotton Guard, Charge, Body Slam*Egg Move*, and Iron Tail*Egg Move*]

The next day, Ash and the others go to the gym. Whitney, the gym leader was there. "HI!" She shouted, Ash and Falkner both flinch from the outburst.
"Hey, can you keep it down? Those two have sensitive ears." Misty asked while Brock's Rhydon drags Brock away due to Megahorn after he goes to flirt with Whitney.

They all go inside. "Alright Ash was it? We'll do one on one. Both only four moves. Sound good?" Whitney asks.
Ash nods and says "Alright, come on Pikachu.

Pikachu goes to the field, as does Whitney's Miltank.
The battle begins.
Miltank goes in with Rollout, but Pikachu dodges by using Dig.
Miltank stops and looks around, trying to predict where Pikachu will pop up.

Pikachu was digging many tunnels underneath and pops out, using Iron Tail on Miltank, which caused Miltank to go down hard and a pit appearing, knocking out Miltank. Whitney looked a bit pale, and sighs. "I should've expected nothing less from a champion." She said, handing Ash the Plain Badge, along with a TM for Attract and a TR for Body Slam.

They all head to the pokemon center, planning to go to Ecruteak City for the next gym.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twelve.

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