The Inner Zephyr

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(Update and Spoilers, this chapter will have differences. The reason is I want Togepi and Eevee to have more involvement in this chapter. I apologize in advanced.)

(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive in Violet City and they head to the Pokemon Center.
Ash called Trip about arriving in
Violet City, learning about Unova also having a flying type gym.
The gang heads to the gym after Ash trains his Togepi.

They enter and sees two middle aged men, one had goggles and grey hair while having some straw in his mouth, the other a bit younger, with dark brown hair and green eyes , and a young man around Brock's age with blue hair covering one of his eyes, the uncovered one is blue.

"Ah! The Indigo Conference and Orange Islands Champion! Ash Ketchum! It's so good to meet you in person! My name is Walker! I'm the former gym leader." The man with the grey hair and goggles said, he continues with "This is my brother, the current gym leader, we call him Hawk, and my..son, Falkner."
Falkner looked rather timid, holding a shiny Togepi in his arms and a shiny Hoothoot perched on his shoulder.
Ash sensed that Falkner has a very similar aura pattern as him. If he was right, all of Falkner's pokemon are shiny.

Have I met Falkner somewhere before? Ash thought privately to himself.

"I assume you're on a badge collecting journey here in Johto." Hawk said, Ash nods, saying "I'd like to have a gym match with you. "
Hawk smirked, saying "I like your attitude kid. Let's begin. "

Well, thanks to Pikachu's electric type and max level, he made quick work on Hawk. However, Eevee, Togepi, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile also battled. Slashing his Noctowl with Chikorita's Razor Leaf, taking out Doduo with Cyndaquil's Flame Wheel, washing out Pidgeotto with many of Totodile's Water Gun, Eevee trumps Skarmory with Trump Card, Togepi outshines Murkrow with Dazzling Gleam, and shocking Xatu with Thunder, powered by Rain Dance.

Hawk gives Ash the Zephyr Badge, along with a TM for Air Slash and a TR for Hurricane.
Falkner was in awe with Ash, and a little envious.
I wish I get to go on a journey like Ash..
Falkner thought privately.

You see, Ash wasn't the only one with an abusive family. Falkner's father was always so cold and hurtful to him, Hawk just plain ignored him, but at least he didn't hit him.

He decided to leave the gym, at ten o'clock at night, he grabbed his pokeballs containing his Togepi, Hoothoot, and a Pidgey, wrote a quick note and got out the window and dashes quietly to the trail that leads to Azalea Town, assuming that's where Ash and his friends will go too, since that was where another gym was at and camped out.

In the morning, Ash heads out to the route to Azalea Town and Falkner follows them. "Excuse me." He said timidly and the gang was surprised to see Falkner. "What're you doing here?" Misty asked, Falkner shyly asks
"Is it okay if I travel with you guys?"
The group was surprised and they looked at each other, then Ash said "I don't see a reason we shouldn't. The more, the merrier as the saying goes."

Brock was about to say something, but Team Rocket ambushes them by trapping Ash's Chikorita, Cyndaquil, , Totodile, and both Ash's and Falkner's Togepi. "Togepi!" Falkner cried out.
Jessie laughed, "Now victory is now ours!" The five trapped pokemon look mad and they all start to evolve.
Ash scans his four pokemon.

[Bayleef, the Leaf Pokemon and the evolved form of Chikorita. Bayleef's neck is ringed by curled-up leaves. Inside each tubular leaf is a small shoot of a tree. The fragrance of this shoot makes people peppy. This Bayleef is level 45 and knows the moves Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Body Slam, Magical Leaf, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Reflect, Sweet Scent, Light Screen, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Vine Whip*Egg Move*, Heal Pulse*Egg Move*, Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Grass Whistle*Egg Move*, and Leaf Storm*Egg Move*]

[Quilava, the Volcano Pokemon and the evolved form of Cyndaquil. Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foes with flames. This Quilava is level 45 and knows the moves Lava Plume, Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Double Team, Swift, Heat Wave, Fire Pledge,Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Double-Edge *Egg Move*, Flame Burst*Egg Move*, Extrasensory *Egg Move*, Crush Claw*Egg Move, Double Kick*Egg Move*, and Flare Blitz *Egg Move*]

[Croconaw, the Big Jaw Pokemon and the evolved form of Totodile.Once Croconaw has clamped its jaws on its foe, it will absolutely not let go. Because the tips of its fangs are forked back like barbed fishhooks, they become impossible to remove when they have sunk in. This Croconaw is level 45 and knows the moves Aqua Tail, Waterfall, Ice Fang, Dragon Claw, Flail, Ice Punch, Aqua Tail, Scald, Water Pledge, Slash, Water Gun, Rage, Ice Punch *Egg Move*, Thrash*Egg Move*, Metal Claw*Egg Move *, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Crunch *Egg Move*, Dragon Dance*Egg Move*, and Water Pulse*Egg Move*]

[Togetic, the Happiness Pokemon.
They say that it will appear before kindhearted, caring people and shower them with happiness. This Togetic is level 40 and knows the moves Metronome, Fairy Wind, Attract, Dazzling Gleam, Ancient Power, Draining Kiss, Swift, Brick Break, Safeguard, Double-Edge, Magical Leaf, Protect, Hyper Voice,
Present*Egg Move*, Extrasensory *Egg Move *, and Morning Sun*Egg Move*]

Falkner's new Togetic has the same ability, level, and moves as Ash's Togetic, except Magical Leaf, Hyper Voice, Brick Break, and Attract.
The five trapped pokemon breaks out of the cage thanks to Ash's Togetic's Brick Break. Pikachu makes them blast off again with Thunderbolt, Falkner's Togetic helping with her
Dazzling Gleam, making Team Rocket blast off yet again.

Ash helps the other pokemon get healed, as does Falkner, confiding in Ash that he has mild autism and psychic and aura abilities, with his pokemon becoming shiny when he obtains them. Ash admitted he's in the same boat. The gang agrees to Falkner traveling with them and they head to the next town.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Four

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