Chapter 20: Shopping Spree

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Olivia: *We walk out to your car* What do you want to do now?
Josh: It's only like 5 so whatever you want.
Olivia: Okay so I know we just had cake like yesterday... but I've been watching too much food Network lately and I really wanna make a cake. It's cool if you just wanna drop me off at my place and we can hang tomorrow... but would you be down to bake a cake with me?
Josh: Ohmygod yes! I've been craving some cake lately.
Olivia: I mean I'm always craving cake. do you wanna go pick up the ingredients?
Josh: Lets hit the road! So I'm kinda feelin like a chocolate vanilla swirl. You?
Olivia: Completely agree, but we should get red frosting for hsm. Cause I mean we are the wildcats.
Olivia: *I laugh* Man, it feels weird to be doing this now. Like don't get me wrong I'm SOO excited. It's weird because like we, well at least I am gonna get to live my childhood...ya know?
Josh: That's so accurate! Fun fact about me: the very 1st stage performance I have have ever done was at my local community theatre and we did HSM and I was JV jock number 2.
Olivia: Wow. JV Jock number 2? Round of applause for Bassett. That must have been a lot of work.
Josh: Oh ya so much work....especially when they cut my scene where I got to throw the basketball across the stage.
Olivia: *sarcastic* How dare they! I might just have to sue....
Josh: *I laugh and I pull up to the grocery store*
Olivia: Let's go shopping! Whooo!

*We walk in and grab a cart*

Olivia: Okay, we have to find the ingredients.
Josh: *I follow you*
Olivia: Hey can you pull up a recipe?
Josh: Sure. *I pull up a marble cake recipe*
Olivia: Ok what do we need first?
Josh: Milk, flour, eggs. Uhhh...Chocolate and vanilla cake mix. (Etc.)
Olivia: Ok... onward to the milk! *I stand on the cart* Come on Josh. You gotta push me.
Josh: Oh my gosh *laughs* *I push you on the cart*
Olivia: YAY! *I laugh* Ok so we need to get some flour- oh I see it. That way! *I point down the aisle*
Josh: Hey Livi hows it goin up there? *I laugh*
Olivia: Amazing... thank you for asking. I appreciate the work that you do for me. Gotta have a big strong man on the job *I flex my muscles*
Josh: *I laugh*
Olivia: Why are you laughing? I am totally jacked.
Josh: I'm not saying your not *Laughs*
Olivia: Okay your turn... let's see Joshy's big strong muscles. *laughs*
Josh: *I flex on arm for a split second then laugh*
Olivia: Shoot. Joshy actually has muscles.
Josh: *My face turns red* Your theatre boys gotta stay in shape.
Olivia: Yeah... you don't have to play basketball and score touchdowns and home runs to be strong.
Josh: *I laugh* touchdowns and home runs?
Olivia: Wait that wasn't right was it? My sports terminology is lacking to say the least.
Josh: I can tell *I laugh* Oh here's the cake mix
Olivia: *I put it in the cart* Great. Now is the frosting over here?
Josh: I think so.
Olivia: Oh I think I see it. *I run over and grab it* The perfect wildcat red!
Josh: *I laugh* I'm gonna grab this decorative frosting because why not.
Olivia: I mean we love being extra.
Josh: *I laugh* Oh of course
Olivia: Wait- are those? Hey Joshy...
Josh: Yeah Liv?
Olivia: Can I get gold fish. Please?
Josh: Oh my gosh yes! But get the rainbow ones.
Olivia: I mean obviously. Wait do the red ones taste different than the rest?
Josh: I think so. Do you?
Olivia: Yes. If you said they all tasted the same... this friendship might have been over. Anyway, what else do we need?
Josh: Well good thing I agreed *laughs* Um we need milk and eggs.
Olivia: Well then onward Bassett. *I hop back onto the cart"

*We get to the cold section*

Olivia: Okay should I get six eggs or twelve?
Josh: Just get the 12. Maybe we can make pancakes one day.
Olivia: I like the way you think Joshy. *I grab the eggs and some milk* Okay I think we're ready to check out- wait! We need sprinkles!
Josh: Oh of course!

*We find sprinkles and head to check out*

Olivia: Shoot! I forgot my wallet in the car.
Josh: Girl, you knew I was gonna pay either way.
Olivia: Yeah *laughs* I guess so.
Josh: *I smile*

*We finish*

Olivia: Are you ready to become master bakers?
Josh: Oh I already am a master baker.
Olivia: You are?
Josh: Again, 5 sisters forced many things on their own brother.
Olivia: I need to meet these sisters of yours.
Josh: *I laugh*

*We walk out to the car and get in with our groceries* *Josh starts the car and pulls out*

Olivia: Hey Josh. Did you know that it's hard to believe, that I couldn't see that you were always right beside me?
Josh: Yeah cause like I thought I was alone with no one to hold but you were always there besides me.
Olivia: Right?! And this feeling it's like no other that I want you to know-
Josh: That I've never ever had someone that knows me like you do, the way that you do.
Olivia: And I was so lonely before...I finaly found...What I was looking for!
Josh: We love talking out songs *laughs*
Olivia: That song is just so accurate to this friendship. *I laugh*
Josh: *l laugh*. I hope we'll get to sing it.
Olivia: Me too! I mean not to brag or anything but we make a great team!
Josh: I think so too!

Olivia: So who's place are we setting on fire- I mean baking at?
Josh: Mine?... just no fires *laughs*.
Olivia: Sure *my moms texts me saying they'll be here at 8* Oh my moms are gonna be in later tonight.
Josh: I'm excited to meet your moms. When do they come in?
Olivia: At like 8... but they are renting a car so I don't have to worry about pick up. Josh: Maybe we can give them the cake!
Olivia: Awww that's sweet... yes let's totally do it!
Josh: Now we have a reason to be making a cake!
Olivia: -and it was deffinetly planned this whole time.
Josh: Definitely

Olivia: Random question: am I the only person that sleeps with socks on?
Josh: What?! Yes.... You definitely are.
Olivia: You don't?
Josh: Uhhh no... No one does *I laugh* Except Miss Rodrigo I guess.
Olivia: Okay. Okay... I have cold feet. Don't make fun of me! *laughs*
Josh: *laughs*

*We get to Josh's apartment and get out and open the truck to get the groceries*

Olivia: Do you want me to grab-
Josh: *I carry all the groceries*
Olivia: See what I mean... big strong man. *I laugh*
Josh: Just trying to help! *laughs*

*We walk inside.*

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