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(Picture above is how I imagined Mammon as. Only younger in the story.)

It was another day at Devildom. As per usual, Lucifer was really busy with paperworks his boyfriend asked him to do.

Lucifer's pov:

This life is really stressing and mind blowing. I got started on my first stack of paperworks as there were 20 more or so in queue. I sighed as I started and worked.

I was on the last stack when I realized it's been a whole afternoon of quiet and peace. I sighed in relief as I was actually going to end the day quite peacefully. Without my brothers annoying me with MC. I started to pack up after the last paper was taken care of.

Finally going home. I was surprised it was only 9pm. I finished quite fast too. I was on my way home when I ran into Lord Diavolo.

"My Lord... Is something the matter?" I asked him. We've been going out since last year but I was never one to assume there was something.

"My darling... You're off early today." He tried to sweet-talk me. There must be something wrong. But I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Yes. Is there any problem? Is there anything I can assist you with before I go home?" I asked him. 

"Well... Actually..." He stuttered. Wait... Lord Diavolo never stutters like this.
"Tell me." I said darkly.
"We might have a little problem." He said and points to the slightly ajar door.

It pushes a bit more and a few seconds later... It errupted. Annoying little kids started to enter the hallway! Actually not kids. But babies. Maybe somewhere in between a year and two.

I was irritated. These kids are laughing to their heart's content! Who are these kids?

"Diavolo... What's this? Where did these kids come from? Who are they? Why're they here?" I asked in incoherent words. I cannot stop myself from shaking my head because of irritation.

"Actually... Look more closely." He said. "You might recognize them if you do." He said and when I did... I was even more furious. I counted them... One... Two... Three... Four... Five.

Five babies. And their hair colors... Black and White... Orange... Pinkish caramel blonde... Purple... And White! I recognize these five kids are my brothers!

I was thankful Satan wasn't here. He's off somewhere to have a vacation by himself. I looked at them for a while and tried to calm down. There's gotta be an answer to all these.

"Barbatos... He found your brothers in Satan's room full of books. They touched something magical in there I'm sure of it." Diavolo told me as he carried Mammon.

Mammon held a chew toy that looked much like a credit card than a chew toy.

"Your brothers are just so adorable! Can I have one of them?" Diavolo swooned. Mammon's saliva dropped on Diavolo's uniform.

"MAMOOONNN!" I glared at him and he suddenly began to cry! Ahh... There's to going home and having a peaceful night. I still have some paperworks at home I haven't finished the other night.

"Lucifer! Mammon is just a baby. You cannot hurt or get too noisy with him. He can't understand anything yet." Diavolo almost glared at me. He never does.

He tried to shush Mammon to stop crying. But he didn't. I noticed he dropped his chew toy. But it wasn't a chew toy. It was a real credit card! I handed it to Diavolo.

"Wait! Clean it with this first!" I handed him my handkerchief.
"Chill out mama. This hall is cleaned everyday." He said but took the handkerchief nonetheless.

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