Expecting with Style 💗

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Living with the avatar of lust wasn't easy. Especially if that avatar of lust can't keep his hands to himself. Sometimes you mind it sometimes you don't. Asmodeus loves you and always put you second next to himself. Sometimes more than himself.

You loved shopping with him and bringing home tons and tons of clothes with him and other beauty products. Being a Deviltuber is something that lets the both of you buy as much things as you want.

You also have a work as a model for Majolish. Asmo always brings you to parties with him. Although he was a big party goer there's still things that are much more important- you.

He's a natural big flirt when you're not looking. But that was it. Flirting. After that he would only rather be touched by you. And when you try to do this to other male or vice versa he wouldn't lash at you no... He will whine and complain that he should be the only one who could flirt with you.

Especially when you were out one night on a date at Ristorante six two male demons have spotted you and tries to flirt. Asmodeus didn't like this one bit.

"Hold it right there! That's my girl/boyfriend you are trying to hit on." were his words to the two demons.

"Oh so what're you gonna do about it? Cry?" A series of laughter came from the two demons. Asmodeus flashed a sly smirk.

"Not that but better." He said and cursed the two demons to be under the influence of his power. He is lust but he gave them bloodlust.

They were on each other's throats and you kinda liked this attitude but gave a look on Asmo as the other demons eating there weren't even disturbed of the bloodshed.

"What? They were hitting on you Y/N. And I could only hit on you." He was sweet but a bit of a psycho when he's like this.

"You went overboard."
"They insulted me. And the Devildom doesn't need scum like them. Didn't even notice how beautiful I am."
" And you were gonna flirt with those two." You roll your eyes but Asmo held your pretty chin up.

"No. They were imbeciles."

You laugh as you remember the moment. Asmo was sitting next to you and held your hand.
"What seems to be funny Y/N?" He asks you.
"Nothing. I just remembered something funny." You say and squeeze his hand. You were both home and just chilling with Devflix. (Demon version of Netflix.)

A hot scene comes up and he just stares at you with his eyes full of lust and love.
"Asmo... Should we still watch?" You ask but he started to kiss you already. Well that's definitely a no.

It was a mindblowing night, he assured that as morning came and you both were naked on the bed. With only the thick blanket covering the both of you. Everything was sore and painful.

"Good morning Y/N." You hear him say to you and kissing you on the cheeks.
"Good morning. What did you do? I cannot move right now." You tell him as he chuckled.
"Sorry. I got carried away." He says and gets up.

When he came back he was carrying a plate of breakfast for the both of you.
"Breakfast in bed? How sweet of you."
"Well... I am responsible for making you immobile for today so I'm planning to stay in bed all day with you." He said laced with double meaning.

You smile at him as you both ate breakfast. After that he brought the plates back down and went back to your room. After locking the door you sure had a nice day in the room doing who knows what. 😏

3 weeks after that you and him were out partying after 3 days off parties thanks to Lucifer.
You were both having fun at the fall and with lots of demons and she demons dancing around with loud music and alcohol and sex.

You left him for a while on the sofa and went to the washroom. You weren't feeling good so you backed out for a minute to take your meds. And when you returned someone was already beside Asmo and kissing him like crazy!

It was a she devil and you wildly threw her off of your boyfriend.
"Excuse me miss. This demon has a boy/girl friend already." You can literally feel hot smoke from your nostrils as you said this. The girl just rolled her eyes and went off partying.

Asmo was shocked at what you did.
"Y/N look... That girl was the one who kissed me okay?" He tried to defend himself.
"You know... I can accept you flirting around and it doesn't hurt as long as you don't touch them. That you should only be mine. I thought I was enough for you." Hot tears shot in your eyes as he tried to defend himself.

"Y/N... I love you okay?" He tried to hug you but you didn't let him turning around you suddenly felt dizzy and lost consciousness.

You wake up in your room and physician was there.
"Oh Ms./Mr. L/N. You're awake. How are you feeling?" The female physician asked as she checked your pulse.

"What happened?" You ask as a sharp sting in the head came.
"I advise you to stop drinking and partying always. It's not good for the baby." She tells you. Baby?
"Baby? What baby?" You ask as Asmo comes in. And then you remember what happened in the bar.

"You're 3 weeks pregnant." She announced. You and Asmo were shocked. You both didn't expect this. But he was ecstatic.

"Thank you Ms. Everwitch." He said as he lead the physician out. He rushed to you after putting the prescription for vitamins on the bedside table.
"How'd you feel?" He ask and holds your hand. "I bought tons and tons of maternity clothes for you. And you'll like them."

"Peachy. Just peachy after I saw you kissing a h*e a while ago." You still can't forget what he did.
"Y/N... I didn't instigate the kiss. I was just kissed by some random she devil." He tried to get you to forgive him with puppy eyes but it didn't work.

"Asmo... I do love you but... Oh alright. Since it's the first time it happened I'll forgive you. And for the sake of this good news." You say and forgive him.

Asmo lead you into the room where he placed all the maternity clothes he bought for you. And he also bought you some chocolates as some kind of a peace treaty.


Next up is Pregnancy isn't just swallowing a watermelon 🧡

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