Knowing You're With Child (💙)

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You and Lucifer have been committed to each other for years. Well in human realm terms married. Living together. You two sometimes fought because of him not being in the house to often.

Even though you two have misunderstandings he always was the one to bend. And even though you won't hear the word I'm sorry from his mouth he always makes it up to you in whatever way possible. 😏

You sometimes wonder what you have in you to make him so sweet towards you and only you. He always loved kissing you and those kisses more often than not lead to love making. This demon was so intense with you that after that you always weren't able to walk for a day.

You also won't hear an I love you from him when he's sober. But he will always tell you that you're his and his alone. Which you reply to yes. Yes I am.

It was a typical day. Lucifer was in his study doing paperwork for Lord Diavolo. Even though he's finished with his studies he still worked for him as the vice president of the student council and of course being Lord Diavolo's right hand man.

You stick your head in the doorway of his study.
"Lucifer... It's break time. I brought tea and cookies." You say, knocking even though you're practically inside already. The raven haired demon raise his head to look at you. But just nodded and went back to what he was doing.

"Uh yeah Y/N come in." He said as he still worked on with the papers.
You set the snacks down and read one of the papers.
"Hm... Let me see... What makes you so busy shall we?"

You read the contents of the paper realizing it was about a construction of a new building in Devildom.
"This is a big one. And you have lots of paper stacked up." You sigh as you sat down beside him.

"Yes. It'll be a miracle if I finish today. But since you brought snacks then maybe I should take a short rest." He said taking one of the cookies you prepared for him.

"Is it better?" You ask. You've been practicing your baking skills for weeks to impress your boyfriend/husband. He had his eyes closed while tasting the sweets you prepared. As if savoring the taste.

"Hmh... I can say that you've quite improved, my little sheep." He said while pouring a cup of tea for himself.
"This is black tea." He noticed as he smelled the still piping hot tea.
"Yeah. This is good for headaches right? And you've been having headaches for weeks. That's why I prepared some for you." You sweetly say to him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." He whispered into your ear which made you shiver. You felt his teeth nibble on your ear. Your sweet spot.
"Luci... Hngghh." You moan as you feel his arms wrap around your waist.
"You're really kinky." He chuckled as he lifted you up and went to the sofa set.

Dropping you gently on the chair he hovered over you and planted soft kisses on your nose. You felt his lips brush over your smooth cheeks. Your eyes were half lided in excitement as his lips glided down to your neck.

He loved this. He loved making you feel excited for him. You felt his teeth sink into your skin and him sucking it. You moan as you felt his lips leave your skin.

"I love marking you." He whispered. And then before it became more heated you decide to stop him.
"You still have work to do Lucifer." You smirk.
He had this disappointed expression and decide to finally let you up from the cramped position you were in.

"Hm... You're right. But I haven't had any action for 3 weeks." He whined. You laugh.
"Sorry darling. You see I'm not prepared. I haven't shaved for a week. I'm hairy down there." You say looking down.

Lucifer looked at you with a sly smile.
"Hey don't smile like that. I haven't shaved my legs." Your face reddened as you clear things and he started laughing. That deep voice was like music to your ears.

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