A Wonderful Dream Come True 🖤

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You and Belphie were a couple made in heaven. You love how sweet he is when you cuddle and he whispers sweet words to you when you are both in bed. You love to sleep and cuddle with him but not as much as Belphie likes it.

Now what's puzzling is that you've been in a relationship with this adorable demon for 2 years, but he has never initiated to do 'it' with you. He seem to not be interested in that kind of things. Or is he too precious and innocent to have dirty thoughts.

You decide to finally tell him because you have needs. You cannot stop thinking about him pinning you down on the bed and be passionate towards you. So when you finally talk to him about it it was before bed time.

"Belphie..." You call his name. At that moment he was arranging pillows.
"What's wrong?" He asked, worry was evidently in his face.
"Nothing's wrong. You see... We've been together for 2 years and going on 3... Are you interested in taking our relationship to the next level?"

"Next level? What do you mean?" He asks you and you can't help but giggle. His face is too innocent to stay serious.
"Belphie. You're a demon and yet you don't know what I'm talking about?" You ask still the grin on your face was big.

"What is it? Is it playing but in Asmo's terms?" He asks again. Bingo! There we go he has an idea about what you're talking about.
"Yes. But... It's also a bit different because Asmo can do it even though he doesn't have feelings with his partner. We love each other." You explain. Belphie finally got the grasp of it. He isn't totally innocent given that he lives in the same house with a demon who's dubbed as the Avatar of Lust.

"Uhm... Well then okay. Y/N... We have to be careful. I don't want to have a kid yet. Maybe next year?" He asks you and you agree. You're only (whatever your age is right now) and not ready for another you and Belphie running around.

You and Belphie decided to go out and get some contraceptive potion. And when you got it you decide to read the instructions. When you did you were shocked to see that the potion would only work on Belphie. Because it's for demons.

"Don't worry we have something for humans too." The store clerk demon handed you some normal pills. And then you take the pills.

After getting what you needed you told Belphie to go home ahead. You need to pick up something before going home.
You go to Majolish and decided to pick something sexy for that night.

A saleslady noticed you and asked what you might need.
"Uhm... I need something sexy. You see my boyfriend and I..." You were a bit hesitant to tell the saleslady.

"You need something sexy don't you?" A voice came from the back. It was Asmo.
"Oh Asmo. What're you doing here?" You ask the 5th born demon and he just flicked his finger.
"Getting new clothes of course. And it seems like you're trying to have score some sexy points on Belphie today." He teased.

You blush. It's hard to admit that it's true. But you two are in a relationship anyway so there's no use in trying to hide it. You feel your face heat up.

"Then I know just the thing!" He takes your hand and pulls you near the saleslady.
"Where are your sexiest nightgowns here miss?" He asks the she devil and she just blushed. Asmo does know how to woo and tempt women (and men if you are a guy)

The saleslady brings you to the nightgown section. There are lots of stuff to choose from. There are silk and cotton ones. Glossy and rough ones. Asmo picked 3 to 5 nightgowns and gave it all at the same time to you.

"Here. Take these all and go to the fitting room. I'll check if any of these are good on you." He said and literally pushed you to the fitting room. You didn't have that good of a body so you were ashamed first. So ashamed that you can't even see yourself in undies and only wearing that on top. So you decide to just put it on top of the clothes you're wearing.

"Hm... There you go. But I think you'll look better in a flesh colored one. But we'll take the red one too." He said and went to the cashier to pay it. You were hesitant at first and told Asmo you could pay for it but he said he liked it for you so he went ahead and paid it himself.

When you got home you went to your and Belphie' shared room. Beel and Belphie don't share the same room anymore since you moved in with Belphie. It was already 10 minutes passed 6pm and you went to the bathroom to put the night gown on you and took the pills.

After that you returned to the room and saw Belphie on the bed, trying his best not to snore away. You approach him and looking at his cute eyes and adorable face you kiss him. Not the usual kiss. The harsh and passionate kiss that could end up in something spicy.

He moans as you kissed him and he wraps his arms around you.
"Y/N... I feel something strange. I'm heating up." He says. You chuckled.
"That's how it's supposed to be Belphie." You say and he pins you down on the bed. He's on top of you now.

"I'd love... to see you naked." He says blushing. He hesitated when he was about to remove your nightgown. You take his hand in yours and guided it to remove the robe style nightgown.

"Belphie... Don't hesitate. I'm yours." You say and he finally removed the upper part and started to kiss you again. His hands travelled down to your body massaging all those sensitive parts and made you feel all those feelings that only he could make you feel.

Sensations run through you as his kisses melted you.
Well let's just say you and him had a great first time. He was all sweet to you.

Your relationship with Belphie went well for another year and a half and it was time for you and him to start a family. It wasn't that long when you decided to do it the first time so you were ready to have kids with him.

You and him have been trying for 3 months now. Actively doing the deed. Everytime you feel bad and feel the symptoms you always checked. But it was always negative for you.

"Don't worry Y/N we will try again." He consoles you and you hug him.
It took another 6 months and you and him were still trying. You on the other hand are already loosing hope to conceive.

Until you start to feel vey heavy and dizzy. It was good that Belphie was there to catch you. You said that it might've been just a bug or you need to get out more since you were always inside.

And then you remember the symptoms of pregnancy. You rush to the washroom and checked. After a few minutes the test beeped and it brought you the most satisfying sign

( I I )

"Belphie! We did it!" You said as you hug your boyfriend. Belphie carried you and hugged you even tighter.
"I'll be the best dad there is! I promise you Y/N."


Next up is Cravings, and the next 5 months 💙

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