Having Otaku Parents 💜

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You and Leviathan were having a blast in the pregnancy. Every morning he is there for you when you were sick. He held your hair back and cuddles with you after. He plays video games with you but for half the day you were sleeping. You were pretty much like Belphie at this point. The child wasn't giving you a hard time.

It was your second month of being with child so it got easier for you. Leviathan doesn't really care if you become as large as a whale or anything like that. He always caressed your still flat bump and talks to the child inside.

"Hey my little Ruri chan. I'm going to take care of you when you come out. Don't make your mom/other dad tired huh?" He cooes at the stomach and kissed it.
" How sure are you that the baby will be a girl Levi?" You ask him and he just sat up and sighed.

"I really want a little Ruri chan. She will have all the Ruri dolls in the world." Levi was cheerful and cannot wait for the kid to be out.
"But the baby will be hard to handle. Or if we are lucky it'll be an angel." You tell him as he embraced you.
" No matter how hard I'm with you all the way." He said as he fell asleep with you.

The next day you were cleaning the room when you saw a bag of chips laying on the ground. Levi didn't clean up again. As much as you wanted to shout you can't. This morning you saw spots on your underwear. Red ones.

You were planning to tell Levi because you were alarmed and wanted to check with the doctor but he still seems to be engrossed with playing.
"Levi... Please clean up after you eat. I mean I'm not against this whole thing but it's just...-" you were cut off by a seething pain in your abdomen. Leviathan noticed this and paused the game he was playing.

"Y/N... Are you alright?" He asked as he approached you. You were having cramps. But how? You have a baby inside you. Levi held you up as you were trying to stay up.
"Le...vi. take me to the hospital now." You wanted to cry because of the pain. And knowing to where it can lead.

The travel from the house to the hospital was hell. Literally and figuratively. The other brothers joined you. It's because there should be a few who'd be supporting you whatever might happen. Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, Beel and Belphie were there.

You were immediately put in an emergency room and they all waited for you.

Levi's pov:

I can't calm down. Y/N could be suffering in there. They could've been in great pain. As we travelled to the hospital a while ago Y/N said to me in broken words that there were red spots in their underwear this morning. They were saying sorry that they didn't tell me.

"Levi... Stop pacing around. Calm down please." Lucifer told me as he sat somewhere.
"How can I calm down? My beloved and my child's life could be at stake here. And it's all my fault." I felt warm tears in my eyes threatening to fall.

" Don't ever say that Levi. It's no one's fault. Just sit down. I'm sure the doctors will do their best." Lucifer patted down the chair beside him. I did as I was told and Mammon handed me a paper bag.
I breathed in and out in that bag.

A few more minutes later the doctor comes out.
"Are you Mr. Leviathan?" He asked me as I approached the doctor. I almost tripped too.

Lucifer helped me up and the doctor met me with a worried gaze.
"Mr. Leviathan... Fortunately both the patient and the baby are okay. But please do take care of them. The baby is having a hard time to cling to the parent." And then with that the doctor just left.

We were given the permission to come in and check on Y/N. They were still unconscious on the bed. I rushed and sat on a stool beside her.
"Y/N... Hey..." I murmured as they slowly opened their eyes and looked up at me.

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