This Baby Business is Stressful 💗

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You and Asmo were totally good partners when it comes to being future parents. Although it was a rough pregnancy. You were always puking and all. There are some foods that you can't eat without throwing up.

"Babe... You look kinda ghastly." Asmo said as he tries to put a bit of makeup on you.
"I don't feel so good." You say as you hug Asmo.
"Just stay in bed okay? I'm going to get you your breakfast." He said as he kissed you on the lips.

"I have morning breath." You blush as he chuckled.
"And I don't care if you do. I love you and the growing baby inside you as much as I love myself." Asmo winked as he walked out of the room. You loved your boyfriend even though it's a evident that he loves himself more.

But he was a good lover and as you can see right now, a better parent. You couldn't ask for more when he takes care of you and make sure you have everything you need. He is also a good lover in bed. He makes sure he controls himself when you make love.

Asmo's pov:

I went to the kitchen and took the baguette and sliced it up. I put a pan on the stove and toasted it. I also prepared breakfast for the others and after the bread I put some butter on it.

I also made some orange juice for them as it's the only breakfast they can eat without throwing up. I carried the tray up to our room along with my breakfast so I could join them.
I saw Y/N ready to get up.
"Hey... I told you we're going to have breakfast here right?" I asked them as I sat down after putting down the tray.

"Asmo... I'm strong enough to go down and have breakfast like everyone else. I'm pregnant not fragile." They chuckled.
"What if you slip accidentally and fall down... I'm scared for Notre petit ." I told them as I held their hand.

"I just want us to have a private time together." I whispered in their ear. My hot breath brushing over their ear.
"Asmo..." They giggled. "We always have private time together."

"I don't want them to see you so much." I told them and tucked their hair behind the ear.
"A little possessive much?" They giggled and kissed my nose. I kissed their forehead and I fed Y/N the toast.

I ate too. And as we ate breakfast I put on a very romantic movie. M/NY/N loves this movie back in the human realm. As they rested their head on my upper arm I brushed my hand over their hair. That (flavor/scented) (h/L) (h/c) hair. I also smelled it as we watched.

"Hm... You sure you don't want that private time?" They suggestively moved their eyebrows at me.
"This little private time is enough. Wait... You thought I wanna have sex?" I laughed. They went red in the face.

"Well... You are the avatar of lust. I expected that." They nuzzled my nose. I punched their nose. "This is what I meant by private time. Not sexy time." I held their hand and they rested their head on my shoulder as they sat up and leaned their back on the bed's headboard.

"What about we go on a date later? We can also buy stuff for the baby." I suggested as they looked at me.
"Asmo... My tummy isn't even that big yet. We will know the gender when the baby is at least 3 or 4 months in me." They argued.

"It's never too early. And besides... What if we have twins? We should definitely get two of everything. Or more." I told them. They looked as if thinking for a few moments.
"You do have a point. Let's go to the mall later." They agreed.
" Great. And we will go to Majolish for new stuff?" I did puppy dog eyes on them. They just looked at me and sighed.

"I think that's the reason why you really want to go later. Not for the baby but for you." They sighed.
"We can always go for extra shopping. Please."

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