Having a baby is expensive 💟

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Mammon sand his brothers supported you from the start of your pregnancy. He was happy and excited for the first month. It was only the first month when he started complaining.

"I ain't complaining! I'm just sayin this baby is quite expensive. All these vitamins and whatnot." You sigh. Mammon really is a greedy person. But he does love you and the baby. He continues his job in Majolish. But Lucifer kept on saying he should have a proper job. Because modeling won't be for him forever.

Since you are both the parents you decide to work shifts on hell's kitchen. Which Mammon would often say no to.
"You're pregnant! You shouldn't be going out to work. Let me handle it." He said wanting to stop you when he saw you preparing for your shift.

"Mammon... We are partners here. We are the parents of this he or she demon inside me. I'm only on my first month. How bad could it be? I'm not fragile and so is the baby." You argue with him. This would go on for hours so before he could say no you dashed outside the house of Lamentation.

You hear him sigh before you actually made it out. It was true. It shouldn't only be him that's working because a baby is expensive. Only the making part was pleasurable. But having to face the fact that you're going to raise a new demon with him isn't really easy.

Mammon's pov:

I sighed as I watched Y/N walk out the door. I didn't want them to feel that way I should be the one working and they stay home. But it didn't happen. I was having problems with my job as a model at Majolish. But it shouldn't be a problem. I'll work shifts. I'll focus on Y/N and our baby.

"Are you sure you're asking for help one last time?" Lucifer asked me when I went to his office that day.
"Yes. I promise I'm going to focus on Y/N and the baby from now on." I firmly stated. Lucifer looked into my eyes burning with seriousness. I leveled that with my own fiery gaze.

"Well then. I'm going to clear your debts with the witches. But you should be serious about this. Because you could loose both of them." Lucifer said and showed me a contract.
" What is this?" I ask.
"A contract. If you show me you can take care of your family then I would not take Y/N and the child away and clear your debts. But if you gamble again... I'll make sure you won't be able to see them. The child needs a responsible father Mammon." He stated which made me finally wake up from my gambling fantasies.

"Okay fine! I will. I promise I won't gamble anymore." I said taking up the pen to sign.

"I already cleared your debts. Now the only thing you need to do is prove to me that you're really ready for a child with Y/N." He said and kept the paper.

My mind flew to that memory. I kind of thank Lucifer. I'm almost a month off gambling. I'm focusing on taking care of Y/N and the kid.

I looked up for some work online. And to be disappointed because these works are for Levi. Some techy jobs. But what's the harm of trying? I studied to see how it would be done. And when I did I figured it was easy. I sent over my savings account so that they could send the salary there.

It was nice. It wasn't hard or boring so I started on and worked as much as I could for the day. And they sent over 600 Grimm for one day.

I put the laptop down and rested my eyes. In a few hours Y/N came home.
"Y/N! I earned over 600 Grimm today. For some kind of encoding job." I proudly told them. They smiled at me.

"Well that's good Mammon. Now lemme rest. I'm tired." They smiled at me and we sat down. I prepared some food for all of us.

Satan's pov:

I heard about the contract between Lucifer and Mammon. About Mammon focusing on Y/N and the child.

"Are you really serious about taking Y/N and the kid away from him if he won't be serious on taking care of them both?" I asked him when it was just us in the dining area.

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