Baby Food isn't for You Beel! 🧡

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You and Beel were over the moon as your pregnancy marched on. The first month was a breeze. Beel shortened his time as a gym instructor to make sure you'll be well taken care of. Lucifer on the other hand feels proud of Beel as he was taking care of you well. He and Diavolo was really excited for the baby's coming since they will help taking care of the child.

"Y/N... Are you sure there's nothing else you'd need?" Beel asked as you cleaned the room. Belphie oftentimes sleep in the attic now.
"I'd need nothing else Beel. You're so caring and the best dad our kid could ever have." You smile at him. He kissed your still invisible baby bump. He didn't want you moving around so much. But as you searched on the internet it's really good for both the baby and the parent to exercise and walk around.

"Y/N... I don't want the baby in trouble. What if you slip and..." Beel was stressed out because he saw you exercising.
"Beel... It's fine. I'm careful. Besides... It's your kid. I trust that the baby is stronger than any normal kid." You smile as he just hug you. But you get that he's worried about you and the baby. Even though you only do walks everyday and a bit of jogging he's still worried.

Beel brought you to the gym he's teaching at. So he can watch over you. You saw a lot of succubi and incubi looking at him with such interest and you can't help but feel insecure. Must be the hormones.
"Everyone... This is Y/N... My special someone and soon to be the parent of my child." He says to everyone which made the demons there very envious. You are carrying one of the 7 demon lords of hell's child and you're a human.

He prepared a special set of exercises for you. And only for you because you were with child. And when he's not teaching the others and you were exercising, he steals a kiss or two.

"Beel... Stop. That tickles." You chuckle as he started to kiss your neck after that hug from the back. He just hugged you from the back and watched as you walked in place.
"Mmhh... You smell like strawberry." Beel pressed his nose into your neck and smelled your sweet lotion.

"Beel... Not here." You warned as you feel like this isn't the place to let your passion go wild. You two are in the gym he owns. But as long as he's still teaching he can't just loose control.
"Then let's just end today's trainings. I'll ask them to go home." He said as he continued hugging you and kissing your neck.

"Oh you." You finally fell into his charms and he announced that the gym will only operate half a day and they were obligated to leave.
Beel brought you to the secret room he always stayed in before.

You and Beel kissed so sloppily. He didn't mind that you were already very sweaty and gross. His tongue went in your mouth and savored it.
"Beel... I love you so much." You whispered in his ear as he enveloped your petite body in his arms.

The clothes slowly got off, painfully slow.
"I love you too Y/N... You'll be the best parent there is." He smiled at you as he continued kissing you on your lips. And his tongue slid down your chin to your neck.

He got excited as he reached your neck and bit it. You moan as he bit harder.
"Beel... Hah! Beel..." You moan as he gave you little bite marks all over your neck.

"You're so delicious Y/N..." He moaned as you decided to touch him. He didn't have any more clothes on that time and he was big. You can feel it as you held it in your hands. You see his face contort into something pleasured by your touch.

"Oh... Beel... So hard already." You cup your hands around his face and kissed him.
"This is your fault for being so... Alluring." He said burying his face on your shoulder.
"So are you baby..." You said as he started to position himself between your legs.

He was gentle when he was pounding on you. As gentle as he can knowing Beel he's the biggest gentle giant you ever knew.

After that it was already 3pm. But Beel was very tired to get up and bring the both of you home. You gaze at Beel's sleeping form and you just want to hug him and kiss him all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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