Having a baby with an Otaku (💜)

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You and Levi are the perfect couple. You seldomly fight and are happy with gaming and animes. Even though he's still very much of a shut in you don't mind. You just love him as he is.

You love being in his room just playing and sometimes the games isn't just 2D. 😏 You and Levi have been in a relationship for almost 3 years now and you couldn't be any happier. He loves resting his head on your lap as he held the controller and you beat him in games.

Wherein he always says you cheated but not in a mean way.
"Eh... But I won fair and square!" This was always your line when you win against him in any game especially those games he claimed he already mastered.

"Hmph beginner's luck." He always muttered as he restarts the game. You of course put the controller beside you and look at your otaku boyfriend. Tips your head down to kiss him on his nose.

"I love you Levi." You whisper in his ear and he also pause the game to reply to you.
"I love you too my normie." He flashed a smile at you and you kiss him on the lips.
"You're perfect." He brushes the tip of his finger over your cheeks to your lips.

"I'm not. You are." You tease and kiss him again.
"H-How did you even like a yucky otaku like me?" He asks and you gently tap his cheek using your palm.
"Don't say that. I'm also an otaku you know." You giggle and hug him.
"No. You're a normie." He teases and the both of you laugh completely forgetting the game.

You didn't notice the kisses getting deeper and more intense as his tongue asks for entrance. You give it and he explores your mouth. You cannot count how many times this have happened but it seems to be always the first time.

And then you feel it. You feel your stomach churning. You feel nauseous and dizzy.
"Y/N what's the matter? Are you okay?" Levi asked seemed to be really disappointed at the interrupted action.

"Sorry Levi. I cannot continue. I'm suddenly not in the mood." You tell him.
"Hey I asked you if you're okay. I don't care about not getting  any action tonight." Levi glances at the time and it was already 11:30 in the evening.

You smile. Because no matter how much of a shut in Levi is he cares so much about you.
"I'm fine. It's just... Maybe a bug or something. I'll be turning in for tonight." You smile and give him the controller as you move to the mattress beside his old bath tub. Ever since you moved in together that mattress was placed in there so you wouldn't have to rest in that bath tub.
"Okay then. I'll be turning in after an hour." He says as he still plays.

You rest as you didn't feel good. Still your stomach is some kind of stressed. You are well. You and Levi always stocked food in his room. You sleep and finally dream.

When you woke up in the morning Levi was resting beside you. Sleeping and cuddling you. You smile as you turn to him.
"Good morning." You greet him as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning my lovely Y/N." He greets back and kiss your forehead.
"Are you getting up?" He asks you and you nod.
"Yeah. I'm on cooking duty today." You say as you try to take his arm off of you.

"But..." He argues but you shake your head.
"Levi... It's a weekend. We can spend time together later. Right now I need to prepare breakfast. It's already 8am. Your brothers will wake up at 9." You say.

He reluctantly let you go and you went out to prepare the food. Thinking what to prepare, you take out a cook book of breakfasts you can prepare. And also what kind of breakfasts the brothers actually like.

Lucifer- Sunny side up egg and toast with coffee of melancholy and a poisoned apple for dessert.

Mammon- Hard boiled egg and toast with cappuccino and a bar of chocolate candy.

Levi- Bacon and Egg. With milk and Hershey's minis.

Satan- half cooked fried egg and toast with cheese, pure black coffee. 2 teaspoons no sugar.

Asmodeus- whole wheat grain toast with low fat cheese, hot chocolate without sugar and a banana.

Beelzebub- five big stacks of pancakes with tons of butter and syrup, 500ml orange juice, and 3 big bars of chocolates.

Belphegor- 3 stacks of medium sized pancakes with bit of sugar and one spoonful of syrup, 250ml of milktea and Hershey's kisses maybe one pack.

You decide to do Beel's breakfast first because it's very time consuming to make. You have 4 stoves in front of you. Frying up the eggs and bacon along with Beel's pancakes were a challenge. But you managed to fill their requests.

As soon as you put the last plate on the table the brothers comes down.
"Something smells great." Lucifer chimed and you saw the excitement in his face when he saw the table with breakfast meats and drinks.

"I've made extras for everyone. Dig in." You say as you take off your apron and joining the others. You were about to dig in your favorite food when you suddenly felt you didn't feel as hungry.

"Only eating one piece of toast and a banana? What's wrong Y/N?" Asmodeus asks you as you only take a toast and a fruit.

"Nothing! Nothing is wrong. I just don't feel hungry." You smile.
"You usually eat a lot." Asmodeus defended his statement.
"Hey. Are you saying I am a glutton?" You felt offended at his defense.
"No. Beel outeats you." He laughs.

"I feel tired everyone. I might just go back to our room later." You say as you leave the food half eaten.
They just nod it off and continued eating. You go back to the room and rest.

Later on you feel Levi enter the room.
"Wanna get checked later?" He asks you.
"Not yet. I'm just... I don't know what I feel right now. Just hug me." You say to him and he just complied.

You weren't sure about what you feel. Irritation eats at you. You're always uneasy.

"Y/N. We should get you checked. What if it's something deadly?" Levi asks you.
"You know what? You're right. Let's go." You finally say and you go to the physician to check you. Since Levi is a big shut in he puts on a hoodie.

You were scared. What if you got something bad? What if it's deadly? When you reached the clinic, several tests were done. Halfway through Levi got hungry and went to buy the both of you food. You went to get the results alone and were shocked.

You were pregnant. And a month. A month pregnant. You held the results with mixed emotions. Happy, Sad, worried and scared. Will you be able to raise a child together? Sure you do love each other but is Levi good to raise a child?

When Levi got in the physician gave him her congratulations and he takes a good look at the test.
"You're pregnant! You're with a baby! Y/N we're gonna have an otaku to raise." He exclaimed. He was just like a kid.

You were really speechless as Levi was more excited than you as you both go home.

"Levi... Are we even ready to have this kid? I mean... Having a child is hard. Waking up early in the morning... Feeding the baby... Clean up the mess it makes... Teaching it the ways of human and demon. What if we fail as parents?" You were worried.

" Y/N... It's going to be a big challenge yes. But you have me." He smiled at you and embraced you. Assuring that he's going to be there for the long run.


I hope you're enjoying my work so far. I'm trying to do my best here. Criticisms are open.

Next up is You need to be well equipped for having babies 💚

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