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Luke didn't really want to go for flying lessons. But since Simeon said it will be the best for him since his bigger wings have grown he will do it. Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Simeon will help him with it. The week after acquiring the new wings he and 4 of the brothers went to help him. Of course they were gonna compensate those brothers after.

"You should be thankful Luke. They're all here to help and cheer you on." Simeon said to the still hesitant boy who was beside him. Luke really felt grateful for those demons helping him but also felt ashamed because he was an angel and they were demons.

He just hmphed and looked away. He still didn't like demons but since these demons and he had a year together in classes last year and he's still with them for that year he felt okay and comfortable already but not so much.

They arrived at the place to practice. Luke gulped in fear when he saw how deep the pit was. It looked bottomless as he looked at the edge of the cliff.

"A-Am I gonna practice there?" He stuttered as he backed away.
"Yes. Diavolo said it is the most shallow pit there is and it's perfect for winged demons to practice." Lucifer said and smiled sinisterly.

"But that pit looks bottomless. And what if I fall from up here while practicing?" Luke looked terrified as it looked dark and gloomy.
"You're our responsibility my responsibility in short. So let's get going." Lucifer stretched out his hand to the young angel that gulped.

Luke's pov:

I can't believe I'm taking the hand of a demon as he lead me to my possible demise. I'm scared. His ebony wings emerged from his back and noticed the 2 pair of wings wherein feathers were torn.

"Come on let your wings out." He urged as we walked to the edge. I let out two large wings that are enough to carry me. My creme colored wings that I was really proud of.

Lucifer took the lead to walk off the edge of the cliff and pulled me up with one arm.
"Balance yourself. You already knew how to fly with your old wings. Just imagine that you're with better wings now. Bigger and stronger just like you when you finished your test." Lucifer lectured me and somehow cheered me on.

His voice was strict and straightforward. He wasn't scared that I might report him to someone when something goes wrong.
I felt my wings and tried to make them flap. But my feet weren't cooperating.

"Don't panic and don't look down. You'll only feel fear if you look down." He warned as he held my hands that were shaking. I gripped his gloved hands.

I gulped as I just decided to look at him. He is scary. My feet were shaking. I was scared unlike before. I feel something might grab my feet and pull me down.

"You're nervous aren't you? I'm not going to drop you Luke. You've got to feel like you're only dancing on air." He lectured me as he showed me foot movements. I tried to imitate the foot movements but it doesn't feel like it.

"What if something pulled my foot from down there?" I asked him.
"Then you kick it back down. Don't let it overpower you." And we just went on and on. The day quickly passed and the next day we were still on it since I cannot balance well yet.

"Learn to trust your wings and flap it up and down quickly. When you get up where you want to be just flap it slower." He rambled on. I did what he wanted me to do. Although my wings were big it didn't feel heavy at all.

"Hey Lucifer..." I said as I got higher and he was still gripping my hands.
"What?" He asked.
"Who taught you how to fly?" I asked. He looked at me as if trying to remember who.

"Actually after Michael showed me how to do it he trained me for one day and then I was able to balance and fly." He told me.

"Other angels told me that I was the fastest learner among all of them." He said and smiled as if remembering the days. He wasn't strict anymore that day.

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