Pregnancy isn't just swallowing a big watermelon🧡

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Beelzebub is a big teddy bear. This is what you saw him as at the first 2 years of your relationship and you still see him as this. He's a very loving and tender boyfriend despite of his big body. He's also very gentle and never fought with anyone. Well almost never. Just don't touch his food.

You loved eating like Beelzebub. Who wouldn't love eating? And then you'll ask why he has good body and you just got fat when you eat with him.

"I go to the gym everyday Y/N." Was his response everytime you ask him how he got that sinfully good body.
"Yeah yeah. Of course you do." You mutter the last part. You won't go to gym with him because you were a lazy ass.

One night when you were on the bed and cuddling he asks you a few questions.
"Y/N, would you want to have kids?" He asked and you were surprised.
"Hm... Kids? Why'd you ask?" You turn to him and he looks at you with a gaze that could burn.

"Because... I'd want to have a mini you or mini me around. I know it's going to be hard. Especially for you because you're going to be the one to get pregnant and stuff. But I'll try my best to be the best dad around." He held your hands in a tight grip.

"Aww... Beel." You coo and pinched his cheek. He's always an adorable giant teddy bear for you. You feel your heart warm up because he was actually serious about your relationship.

You and Beel are ready to start a family, you started planning and preparing things needed. You removed the birth control pills and eating healthily. Beel worked in the gym as a gym instructor.

You took care of the house more often even though the brothers said that they could handle and you could prepare to carry the baby.

Satan lent you books to read for the pregnancy and the other brothers made sure you won't be stressed.

When you and Beel decided to read on pregnancy he pointed at a picture of an expecting mother.
"Whoa. It looks like she only swallowed a big watermelon." He was surprised and read more on the pregnancy taking the book from you.

"But it isn't.  Pregnancy isn't just swallowing a big watermelon you know." You laugh gently kissing his forehead.

The next morning you prepare breakfast as Beel would leave early for work. He wakes up to 10 stacks of pancakes and a 500ml chocolate drink.

"This looks good." He said and sits down to inhale the food. You shook your head. Typical Beel. You prepare lunch for him which was 3 kilos of wagyu beef with devil hot sauce and a large vanilla pudding that's almost the same height as you cut up in small portions. You also pack some triple large chocolates for snacks. And a 500ml orange juice.

"This looks heavenly. Thanks Y/N." He said and grabs the lunch box you prepared for him. He'll be back at 3pm so you won't worry about him getting hungry. He pecks your cheek and runs to the door to leave.

And then you think... Will the food be enough for lunch? Will he last until afternoon? You sigh thinking of what to cook for later. Or if you'll order from hell's kitchen.

You realize that you haven't had your period for that month. But you also shake it off. It couldn't be that soon.

After that you decided to clean the whole house.
Lucifer saw you cleaning and he stops you to ask something.
"Y/N aren't you tired?" He asks you and takes the rag away.

"No. I'm not. I'm fine. You don't have to worry." You smile at him.
"Well... Don't overstress yourself. You might already be pregnant." He says and takes the cleaning supplies away from you. And then he gives them to Satan.

"Hey..." He complains.

"Oh shut up." He says and Satan stands up to clean the house with hesitation of course.

You laugh and decide to help him instead.
"Thanks for the concern big brother." You laugh and Lucifer blushes. Asmo comes in and sees you cleaning.
"Y/N can you come with me later? I'd like to shop for clothes for you and some onesies for babies." Asmo smiles excitedly.

"Onesies? Asmo isn't it too early for that? I mean I'm not even pregnant yet." After saying that you felt dizzy and fell down. The last thing you hear is that the brothers were worried about you.

You woke up in your shared room with Beel. With the brothers watching over you.
"Hey Y/N... Guess what?" Asmo chirped excitedly.
"What?" You ask, and winced at a sharp pain in your head.
"You're expecting! See? It's never too early to shop for baby clothes." He replies.

You look at Lucifer and Satan who immediately tells you that a physician confirmed that you were 3 weeks pregnant. You look at the clock and notice that it's already 2:40 pm. You were asleep for 3 hours.

Beel is going to come home soon. And you're going to welcome him with a good news. After a while you stand up and prepare an extra large backstabbing sandwich for him.

You take the hard copy of the result that the physician left behind with a positive written on it for pregnancy. You were at dining area when you heard Beel come home.

"Y/N! I'm home!" He shouts from the door. You of course reply back saying you're in the dining area. He was delighted when he saw the sandwich in your hand.

He immediately grabs it but not before kissing you in the forehead. And then chomps away.
"I got a good news." You smile. He looks up to you and said, what?

You just hand him the paper and he reads it. A surprised but expression registered in his face and he looked at you.
"We're pregnant!" He screamed and hugged you.

"When did you figure it out?" Beel asked.
"Just a few hours ago. I was cleaning a while ago when Lucifer and Asmo talked to me about just resting and I fainted. When I came to my senses I was greeted with the news that I'm expecting. We're gonna be parents Beel!" You say and he hugs you even tighter.

He looks down on your belly and talks to it.
"Hey there lil buddy. I'm your dad." He talks to the life inside you. You and Beel were the happiest couple in those moments.


Next up is A Wonderful Dream Come True 🖤

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