Surprise of My Life

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It's been 5 years since the MC left the Devildom after her one year being the exchange student. Everything has been good. Lucifer is still Diavolo'sright hand man next to Barbatos. But Lucifer has been noticing that these past couple of days his boyfriend has been very distant. As if his presence was never even there.

Lucifer's pov:

I haven't been able to have a good decent conversation with him. I know he's been busy and all as the prince of Devildom. As someone who's an avatar of Pride I wouldn't talk about this with him.

Maybe he wasn't sure about me anymore. I decided to ask him. I freed all my schedule for that night. He's the type that would do this but I really wanted to know. Of course he deserves someone of a higher rank. Another than a broken ex angel.

I approached his office and knocked.
"Come in!" He said and I opened the door. He was busy as usual reading some files he was about to sign.

"Lucifer. I didn't think that you'd come by." He said coldly. I knew it.
"Lord Diavolo... I'm here because I want to talk to you about something." I started the conversation.

"What is it?" He asked not even lifting his head to see me. Which was common these days.
"I... I think we should break up." I said which made him startled and made him look at me.

"What's that nonsense you're saying? I don't understand why?" He asked and I was surprised.
"I just think we're not working out anymore. I'm sorry Lord Diavolo." I said and stood up.

"Barbatos... Don't let him get out." He said which the demon did. He blocked my way!
"Lucifer... Hear me out." He said which made me freeze in my tracks. I heard him order me to look at him.

"Look at me Lucifer. My Morningstar." He said which made chills run down my spine. That was his nickname for me. He's the only demon that would say that and make me feel good.

He embraced me from the back and whispered at my right ear.
"You're mine." He whispered. "Is there another other than me?" He asked which made my eyes grew big in disbelief.

"No... No Lord Diavolo it's not that. It's just..." I mumbled.
"Just what? You're very disappointed that I didn't get to spend much time with you these couple of days?" He asked which made me speechless for a bit.

"No... You've been very cold to me. It's as if I didn't exist in your world anymore. But that's fine. If there is someone you love other-" I wasn't able to speak anymore because he suddenly bit my neck. Playfully, where his mark on me was.

"I'm yours. And there'll be no other person besides you. Do you hear me? No matter how busy I am. No matter how many women or otherwise would try to get my attention... I'm yours." He said and bit his mark on me even harder. So hard that blood came out of it. He knew my weakness.

"Now that I've got everything clear I want you to put this on. And never take it off until I say so am I clear?" He said and put on a blindfold on me.

"What's this? Where are we going? Why do you want me to put it on?" I asked him countless of questions.
"Trust me love. Do you?" He asked me as he handed me the blindfold.

I of course took it.
"Of course I do." I told him and I put it on. He made sure I didn't see anything through it.

Diavolo's pov:

I held his hands to guide him outside my office. I lead him to the ballroom where everyone was waiting. Why everyone? Well... You'll know why.

When we got to the center of the ballroom I signalled the others that it was time to get on their positions. I asked Mammon to take his position behind Lucifer with a party popper. 😂😂 (A/N: This is gonna be funny)

Lucifer's pov:

I was really nervous. What's going on? I'm waiting for his signal to remove the blindfold.

"You can remove it now." He said and when I did I heard the most irritating noise directly at my ear. F**k!

"SURPRISEEEEE!" an irritating voice came into my ear shouting. I didn't like noise!

I realized it was Mammon.
"MAMOOONNN!" I was really annoyed, pissed and most certainly irritated.
"SURPRISEEEEE!" I heard everyone else shout.

There was everyone. And party poopers fillings were on the floor. We were in the ballroom! I felt a tug on my pants. It was Diavolo! On one knee.

I gasped. He held this satin box with a wonderful gold ring with an onyx jem on it. A midnight onyx ring that's very seldom to come by in the Devildom.

I was speechless.

"Lucifer... I know that... You've been my right hand man for a couple of millennia. Or maybe more.  I just couldn't keep track. And from the first time you came down here as a broken ex angel... I knew you're the one for me. And I knew I'm the one for you. It had to be." I heard chuckles from everyone in the Devildom.

"So without further a do... Lucifer My Morningstar... My most radiant light down here in hell... Will you do me the honors... And be my prince consort? Or king consort... Or my husband? It doesn't matter... I'm yours. So be mine." He said in broken words.

I was speechless. No words could express my feelings now. Guilt of thinking he might've cheated on me ate me. Yes he looked like an idiot with his dreamy eyes. But he's my idiot.

"Yes. Yes... I'll be yours." I said and he excitedly removed my left glove revealing my manicured red nails. He put the ring on me and they all cheered. He embraced me tight and carried me that's how happy he is.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for doubting you and trying to break up with you." I told him almost breaking to tears.

"Hey... Ssshhh... We just got engaged and you'll cry because of that? I won't let that happen my Lucy..." He said which made my heart beat louder.

"Are you sure about me? You'd... Marry me?" He asked which made me laugh.
"I'm supposed to be the one asking you that. I love you Diavolo."

"I love you more." He said and kissed me.


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