You have to be well equipped for a baby 💚

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You and Satan loved each other and it's an understatement to say that you're the perfect couple. You loved going to museums, acquariums and zoos. Anything that could be a source of knowledge. The both of you also go to libraries often.

When you go to libraries there are spots wherein only the two of you know. And in those secret places you sometimes kiss and even more.

Satan was a rough lover. You knew this because he is wrath itself. Sometimes when you do it his personality gets mixed with passion. But you like it that way.

You also watch documentaries together. But being the weird person you are you always liked the serial killer documentaries.
(If you aren't a fan I'm sorry and you can remove this) This didn't bother your boyfriend and sometimes enjoys watching it with you.

He has anger management issues and you are the most patient human being in all three realms. He always apologized and makes it up to you by dates or a new book.

He loved a peaceful afternoon with you in a garden and a book. Sometimes he arranged a picnic for the both of you. You always rested your head on his lap and read with him.

Satan was a quiet demon. He was usually a well tempered demon but takes a short time to fuel up his anger. Everything was going well until that fateful week. You woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Satan's books were littered on the floor as usual. And for some reason you were angry because you almost tripped over one of them just carelessly laying around. You unconsciously pick it up and went to where your boyfriend was.

"Satan could you please learn to pick up your books and put it somewhere I wouldn't trip over them?" You were unusually irritated for the reasons you don't know.

"Huh? Where's this coming from? I thought you like my books?" He was also getting furious. He loved his books.
"I didn't say I don't like them. I just said you shouldn't let them litter around."

" The place is my room. I could put my books anywhere I want!" He shouted. Satan... Shouted at you for the first time. Yes you fight. But not this kind of fight. He never raised his voice on you.

"Oh... Alright." You mutter quietly finally backing down. His demon form was almost showing. His eyes showed nothing but anger. Your eyes formed tears and he saw it. It calmed him down. 

"Y/N... hey... I'm sorry." He apologized and took the book from you. He looked sorry. You cannot stop the tears from your eyes from flowing.

"Baby... I'm sorry okay? Look my wrath took over." He reasoned and tried to embrace you. You let him embrace you but you remained speechless.

"Y/N please respond to me." He urged. You look at him.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm sorry I snapped like that. I don't feel like my usual self." You say and he cupped your face.

That became a fight that was soon forgotten. You returned to being cute and loving. And then another week passed. You were somehow still irritated. It didn't last though.

"Y/N why don't we get you checked?" He asks and you agree. You might already be having something else. Or do you have his anger management issues?

You soon go to the physician and they tested you if you have anger management issues. The test result wasn't connected to that.

"The irritation isn't even connected to that. It's very normal for someone that is expecting. And as they are human... It's important that you take care of them." He told Satan.

" You mean... I'm going to be a father?"he beamed. You didn't expect this kind of reaction from him. But it was good. He's really excited.

After the physician gave you prescription you were allowed to go home. He was excited and looking forward to tell the others about the child.

When you got home Lucifer and the others welcomed you two.
"So is it deadly?" Lucifer asked. You laugh and Satan answered him.
"It's not that. Y/N is not sick. The physician said that it's normal for someone who's expecting." He was straightforward. No suspense.

"Really?" Mammon chimed in. "Then we're gonna have two always angry demons in this house."
"You're gonna be a grandpa slash uncle Lucifer!" Belphie laughed.
You see Lucifer's eye twitch. The thought of having another Satan in the house didn't cheer him up at all.

"Oh cheer up Lucifer. It might be for the best you know." Beel laughed and Satan dragged you away from the others. You see you were getting lead to the library.

"We have to be properly equipped with knowledge for the baby." He said and scanned the shelves about maternity and how to take care of a child. Ideas about names and stuff.

Ideas about what a baby should wear and pregnancies that result to a half demon half human. Luckily the library was well equipped with the much needed books.

Satan also went out to get needed supplements for you. While you sat there and read books about your situation.

The physician also told the both of you that  the pregnancy could last a whole 9 months or just 5 months like female demons.
You just needed to be ready.

Satan promised that he'd look after you throughout your pregnancy and wouldn't leave you. He was excited and even thought who would the baby take after will it be you or him? Will it hate Lucifer as much as Satan did?

Will the baby be a well tempered child like you or easy to anger like Satan?

You both think of this as you lay down and cuddle. Other thoughts were on your mind. Can you take care of another living being? Are you two ready to be parents? Nothing is sure for now but you and your partner promised that you'll do your best in this chapter of your lives.


Hey author here! I hope you're still reading!

Next up is Expecting in Style! 💗

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