Operation: New Baby 💚

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You and Satan were really handling the pregnancy situation quite well. He researched deeply about it and does his best to take care of you while the pregnancy progressed. There wasn't a day Satan wasn't in the library or on his D.D.D. on his free time. Lucifer also was ecstatic and excited. Although as the avatar of pride he never showed it.

But you can actually see he cares when you somehow needed to be in his office to get something Satan asked for. He wasn't in the office so you just went in casually. You did ask him for permission before entering by text.

He had stacks of paper piled on his desk. You didn't mean to snoop around but you got to see a seemingly innocent paper lying around. Some research of some sort. It's about people carrying half human half demons. How to take care of both the parent and the child, How to deliver safely, Needs for the baby etc. What the parent should or should not eat and do. This really made you smile internally. He does care.

You just pick the paper up to read more when the door suddenly opened. It was Lucifer. You quickly put the paper back.
"Hey Y/N... Did you see the file Satan asked you to get?" He asked as he passed by you and sat on his chair. He was scanning some papers.
"Uhm... No. I didn't see it. Sorry." You quickly reply. He looks at the disorganized stacks on his table and pulled out a random folder. He checks it before giving it to you.

"Forgive the mess. It's just... A busy day." He said and you take the file with you. You can't stop giggling at the fact because it was so cute that Lucifer cared like that. Satan noticed this.
"Y/N... What are you so happy about?" Satan asked as you handed over the file.

"Nothing... It's just... I saw Lucifer... Have this research about pregnant people carrying half demon half human kids. And it's so fascinating to see him care like that." You giggle as you sat beside him on the bed.

"Hmph. I do more research about him. It's not unusual to see him do research." Satan said with jealousy in his tone. You smirk as you look at him. When he does see you smirking he looks away blushing.
"Hey... Why're you looking at me like that?" He asks you and tries to pay attention on the book he was reading. You feel that he seems uncomfortable. You giggle and gave him a big hug. You lean yourself on him more.

"Y/N... No. I'm still reading. Don't brush yourself on me." Satan said trying to bring his attention on the book he held.
"You're jealous aren't you?" You whispered into his ear as he tried not to get aroused. It was hot. Satan couldn't deny the moments were arousing.

"N-No... Why would I be?" Satan gulped. He knew you were with child and he doesn't want to hurt the baby inside you if you do make love. Satan could be a little wild and rough sometimes.

"Honey... I'm feeling a bit... In the mood for some love tonight." You brush your hand on his chest, slowly removing one side of  his jacket
"Y/N... You're pregnant. I don't want to risk the baby." Satan felt scared for your child's well-being. You pecked his lips. Your knees were on his thighs as you caressed his soft cheeks.

"But I've read it's safe to do in the first trimester. We just need to avoid a few positions. Please... I'm horny." You begged as your hands quickly tried to remove the rest of the clothes.

"If that is what you want." He says and throws you gently on the bed. He was above you as he gently bit your neck. It was a sensational feeling and he loves to do it. You feel his tongue slide down to your shoulder as he tries to remove your clothes.

You two were having a race to see who removes each other's clothes first. In a few more minutes you two were naked as you try to keep your hornyness inside. But you can't. Your boyfriend loved foreplay. Biting, kissing, touching. You also lover touching him everywhere. Including his little one down there.

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