Trials of an Angel

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It was a nice weekend morning  in the house of Lamentation. MC was on their D.D.D when it beeped. Raising an eyebrow she was surprised when they saw who it was. Luke. The little angel was a sweetheart.

They read the message that was sent.

Luke: MC are you busy?

MC immediately replied to the text.

MC: No. I'm free as of the moment. What is it that you need?

Luke: Just come over the Purgatory hall please. I need someone to at least keep me company. Please

MC understood the plead of the wailing angel and texted back.

MC: Alright I'm on my way.

MC wondered what kind of predicament Luke got into. Luke was always the behaved kid and the most adorable angel next to Simeon.

MC stood in front of the gates of the Purgatory hall. They saw Luke at the inside of the gates crying. MC got worried and rushed to the gate that separated them. Luke held the bars of the gate and was crying.

"Luke are you okay? Why're you here? Where's Simeon?" MC was really worried seeing the little angel boy agonized.

"Simeon is busy. He left the room early this morning. He said he got a meeting with the rest of the school council about the exchange program." He said with tears in his eyes.

A few moments later MC was let in. Prior to Luke's request. They were lead to his room. MC was amazed how clean the room was. Luke barely walked or more likely limped to his bed.

"How were you able to walk to the gates?" MC asked when Luke finally made it to his small bed and laid down.

"I had to make it to the gates. There's little to no signal in here." The little angel replied.
" What seemed to be the problem? I've been here for a while." MC sat down on a stool beside the bed.

" You see... I also don't know what happened. I'm clueless. I just woke up this morning this way. I'm aching in my back and it hurts." Luke winced at another jolt of pain in his back. Tears were visible in his cute eyes. His small stature was curled up in a small ball in the corner.

MC stood still pretty much clueless too but wants to aid their friend's ailment. They sat on the bed and tried to soothe the pain of the angel by rubbing his back. When they did they were astonished to see small light brown barbs you see in feathers. The brown color was so light it was almost white. Cream colored.

"Luke?" MC asked trying to feel the barbs in their hand

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"Luke?" MC asked trying to feel the barbs in their hand. Luke looked up to them and in teary eyes asked what.

"Have you ever seen how your wings looked like?" They asked. Luke was petrified.
" Oh no. Why..." And the crying started again. He looked like he didn't know what to do but now he was panicking more.

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