Versace on the floor

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It's been a week since the proposal and it's also been busy both for the grooms to be. Diavolo is still caught up on the prince duties and so is Lucifer with some documents he still needed to accomplish. He still needed to prepare the things needed for the wedding.

"You don't need to do that. I've got people to arrange everything." Diavolo said while packing clothes.

"Why're you packing? Do you need to be off somewhere?" Lucifer asked.
"Yes. I'll need to go somewhere after the wedding. I'm sorry." He said while tucking a lock of hair behind Lucifer's ear.

"You really look so beautiful. The name Morningstar suits you love." He said and softly kissed his lips.
"Lord Diavolo... We need to head to the meeting room." Barbatos cut their wonderful scene.

"Stay here. I won't need you for this meeting. You have to choose your attire for the wedding." Diavolo said and winked at him.

Lucifer's pov:

I nodded and looked at the book where I can choose the suits. I cannot really choose a dress. For someone like Diavolo to be your future husband you need to look your best.

As I was flipping through the book I fell asleep.

In my dream I was with Diavolo and we were both so happy. Like nothing will ever spoil our happiness. And in the dream we were expecting.

I headed for a room and opened a big closet. There it was. A beautiful white Morning Coat. It also had black peacock embroidery on the collar. I touched it with my fingers and in an instant I woke up.

I woke up from the dream. It was at that moment I knew the suit I'd be wearing. I contacted the one that would be doing the attires. I just asked for an additional embroidery that I saw in my dream.

I wanted my wedding to be perfect. I wanted to settle down now. Even though I'd be married (A/N: Their marriage ceremony will be a little weird) I'd still be the demon I was and still am.

After an hour or so Diavolo came back.
"So did you pick your attire?" He asked as he dumped the files on his bed.
"Yes. Shouldn't these files be on your table?" I asked.

"Yes. But... Those are invitations for everyone in the Devildom." He said as I looked at it.
"You chose everything already didn't you?" I asked as I picked a sample.

"Well... Yes and no. I did choose something that could be a perfect design. But I wanted you to have a choice about it. And designs for the decoration. The cake." He said which made me sigh.

"Come on Luci. This is the most special event in our life. Don't sigh. I feel like you regret saying yes." He said which made me laugh a bit.

"I'd never regret it. It's just... Too fast. I'm getting into a big commitment next week. But I think I'm ready." I said.

"I love you." He approached me and held my chin up.
"You're the most gorgeous angel that has ever fallen down. And I'm thankful that you're with me now." He said and kissed me. Ah... His kisses are something to die for.

"I love you more." I said and kissed him too.

As days went by the preparations went on smoothly. I know I am one of the most popular people in RAD. So most of them were really happy that I am getting married. But there are also people who disapproved of me since I'm only an ex angel who got the attention of their prince.

I've been seeing comments like

That fluke of a demon shouldn't even be here!

The only thing that's he's good for is being the lapdog. And Barbatos even looks better!

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