Cravings and the next 5 months 💙

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It's been a month since you and your boyfriend figured out you were going to be parents. It was hard since demon babies only stay 5 months in the mother and you weren't even a demon. The doctor that attended to you says that it might take your side more.

Honestly you would love it if the baby would take Lucifer's side more because it would live longer as a half demon than a half human. Since Lucifer was too busy to take you shopping for baby clothes Asmo volunteered to take you.

"Lucifer should be taking care of you Y/N." Asmo grunted as he lead you to the shopping mall.
"That's okay Asmo. He was busy and you're always there." You smile at him and decide to go to the washroom for a while. You pee and after that you look at yourself in the mirror.

Noticing that you had a few white hair mixing with the h/c h/l that you have right now makes you want to sigh. You're getting older. While Lucifer hasn't aged since he fell from grace. He might've matured but his physical attributes never changed.

"Y/N... Are you done?" Asmo called you from the outside. You wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall down. Maybe you're too emotional because of the hormones. You're with child after all.

"I'm done Asmo let's go." You say and immediately went to the baby clothes department. You start to wonder if it's the right time to buy clothes and stuff. But Asmo said that it isn't too early and since you're carrying a demon baby it wouldn't take long and you realise that the baby will already be born.

You chuckle and look at the cute onesies. You take one that was all prettily packed. It both has daddy and mommy's lil demon written on it. Huh. It comes in two colors per pack. The salesperson came to you.

"Hello Ma'am/sir... This one is on promotional sale. We have a buy 1 take 1 sale today." The salesperson started to salestalk you.
"Hm... How much is per pack?" You ask as you check the designs.
"Only 150 Grimm." They say and you were astonished you looked online and items like these were 200 per piece.

"Great then I'll see the colors." You say and check the other colors that they have. Those were all good. You cannot choose. You hear talking not far from you. Looking up you see a couple also choosing onesies for a baby. If only Lucifer was here.

Asmodeus's pov:

I look at them as they look at the couple that was near us. They were talking about their own baby as the female was expecting. I see that they were sad.

"Y/N... Look this one is cute." I try to get them not to not look at the couple anymore. Y/N finally averted her gaze at them and continued to look and choose.

Lucifer's pov:

I was so busy. Diavolo's conference lasted for a month. I sighed. If only he was here maybe I could ask for a break. But no can do. I was the only one left and Barbatos was also with him.

But then the door flew open and it was him. Lord Diavolo himself.
"Lucifer! Oh I'm sorry the conference lasted for a month. Believe you me I tried to get out of there to get here quick." He said flumping down the chair and talked about the past month. "Where's Y/N?"

"Oh they went to shop for baby clothes with Asmodeus." I said not realizing that he wasn't here when I announced that we were expecting.
"Baby clothes? You mean....?" He asked pointing at himself. I was puzzled.

"Y-Yes... We are expecting." I was cut short when he screamed.
"I'm gonna be an uncle?" He looked so excited. More excited than a father could ever be.

"Yes. You're gonna be an uncle." I laughed.
"Then what are you still doing here? Get lost! Go with Y/N and get some baby clothes!" He said practically pushed me off my seat.

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