You're going to be A Dad my sweet idiot. 💟

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You and Mammon have been together for 3 years and counting. Yes he might be a big idiot and a scumbag but he's your scumbag so it doesn't bother you much. He loves you and does everything for you.

You live in the house of Lamentation now deciding to not come back to the human world because who would want to? You're alone and living there seemed pointless now. Besides you're happy with your cute cinammon roll.

Yes he's still the tsundere you've loved since you realized you fell in love with him during the exchange program. Waking up beside him is now your life.

"Good morning Mammon." You say as you brush away the hair that covered his head for you to easily see his whole face.
"G-Good morning... Y/N." He stuttered.
"Why are you still blushing? We've been together for 3 years and we've been doing things for 2 years." You chuckled pinching his cheeks.

"N-Nothing... Gahh... Let's get up." He says while you hugged his waist. He likes to sleep topless.
"Let's stay a while. I'm still sleepy." You say while your body heats up again.

"Ack... Y/N I got to cook." He says trying to get your hands off around him. But you don't let go.
"The guys won't wake up until 6am. We got time." You say looking at the clock. It was 4:30.
"Oh okay." He gives up and you smile slyly.

He kiss you everywhere on the face. And you love it when he does that.
He cuddles with you and you love it.

"Hey... Y/N... I love you." He says and you nuzzle his nose.
"I love you too my cinammon roll." You say as he falls back to sleep. You kiss his nose and hug his big muscly built.

Dawn comes and you weren't able to sleep again. But it's okay. He was hugging you the  whole time after all. A few more moments later he got up and got dressed to cook.

You got up too and soon went down. You were smiling when you saw him wear a cute pink apron that says I'm Y/N's cinammon roll.

"Oh Y/N I prepared breakfast for you. Sit." He said gesturing towards the table. He was focused in cooking and you just smiled at how sweet he was. Yes he doesn't show his feelings for you and denied it most of the time. But he shows how much he cares.

He prepares your favorite food (whatever it is) and you eat.
"Thanks Mammon." You say and drink your favorite drink. But you somehow had a bad feeling in the gut.

"I don't feel so good Mammon." You tell him and quit eating. "Something reeks. Is it you?" You ask him and you laugh.
"What?! No! Why would I smell bad?" He asks and smells himself. "If I was then you would've smelled it!" He was annoyed.

You sniff around and realize it was the thing he was cooking.
"It's Beel's breakfast. Garlic stew." He tells you.
"I don't like the smell of that." You say and lost appetite.

"What seems to be the problem?" The other demon brothers came in and was worried of you.
"Oh... I don't feel good. I don't like the smell of Beel's breakfast." You honestly answer.

"Well it's my breakfast. Of course you shouldn't be liking it." Beel's voice thundered.
"But you like Garlic Stew. You often ask Beel for some." Asmo sounded worried.

"Well... Y/N. You and Mammon should go to the physician tomorrow. We can't have you sick." Lucifer told me.

The day went by and you weren't feeling good. Mammon brought you food and stuff. You feel heavy and dizzy.
"Hey Y/N... I brought you some chocolate pudding. You love this don't you? I asked Luke to make you some since he heard you weren't feeling good." Mammon gave you the pudding and spoon. Yes you did eat but just a small bite.

"It's good. But I still feel nauseous." You tell him and he put the plate on a bedside table.
"Well... Have you had your time of the month?" He asks you and held your pale hands.

"Now that you mentioned it... I was irregular these past few months." You say and you try to push the idea away from your mind.

"Then rest for a while. Maybe your period is coming that's why you're acting like this." He said and went out.

You spend the whole day in the room thinking. What if you were pregnant? Are you ready to be a parent?

This was your last thought before going to bed. Waking up the next day you feel better. But you still felt heavy.

Mammon accompanied you to the physician and you underwent many tests at lunch you and Mammon decide to eat first before you see the results.

Mammon forgot something so he went back to the house to get it while you went back to the physician. And guess what?

"Congratulations Mr./Miss L/N you're a month pregnant!" The demon physician was happy as he handed you a paper containing a result.


You didn't even hear Mammon rushing back in.
"Y/N is anything wrong? Why do you look so worried? Is it something that can kill you?" He asked you still you were speechless.

"It's not a disease Mammon. Mr./Mrs. L/N is with child." The doctor tells him. He was shocked to hear the news. But the shocked expression turned into a happy one.

"We're gonna be parents." You mutter. Somewhere deep inside you you feel that you're not ready for anything this serious yet.

"Pa...rents... You mean..." Mammon stutter.
"You're gonna be a dad my sweet idiot." You tell him and finally a smile creep into your face as you stood and hugged the man you loved for so long. Now you're gonna be a parent. You two are gonna be parents.

Mammon was really excited about being a father. The both of you breaks the news to the other brothers.

"I just wish my niece or nephew takes after you Y/N. You see... I don't think it'll be the best if he/she takes after his or her father." Asmodeus laughs.

"I think the kid would be fine whomever he or she takes after." You say still caressing your flat tummy.

You and Mammon look forward to the day that you welcome your baby into the Devildom.


Next is Having A baby with an Otaku

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