Prologue: The SPARK

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5 days after the 72nd Hunger Games...

Sparkle opened the door. Ruby stood there in tears, with Petal, Ami and Kris behind her. 

"Is it safe to come in?" she whispered

Sparkle nodded, and said, "Mother and Marvel have gone training. They won't be back for hours."

The girls filed into Sparkle's spacious house. As Sparkle lived in the Victor's Village, her house was the biggest and so the girls usually came to her's to meet. 

They walked up to the stairs into Sparkle's room. The moment the door was shut, Ruby threw herself round Sparkle. 

"I can't bear it anymore," she cried, "I still haven't got over Teal dying in the games last week and I just want it to end. All of it." Sparkle rubbed her friend's back soothingly. 

"I've been thinking about what you said last time Sparks," Petal said quietly as Ruby sobbed onto Sparkle's shoulder, "And you're right. This slaughter is wrong."

Ami nodded in agreement, "We are just all the Capitol's puppets. Their servants to die and kill for their pleasure."

Sparkle looked at her friends,"So you're all in? You do realise what a big decision this is, don't you?"

Kris laughed, "Spare us the lecture, Sparks. We all know the danger. Just show us what you've got." The other girls nodded, determined. Sparkle got off the bed and walked out of the room. 

Ruby continued crying, "They all tell us that dying for District One is honourable. Well Teal died falling out of a tree. What's honourable about that? "

Sparkle came back in holding sheets of paper. She lay them on the floor and all the girls had a look. 

"Wow Sparks, " whispered Ami in awe. Petal nodded her head in agreement. On the pieces of paper were messages like, 'When did we say we wanted to die for you?'  and 'Stop murdering innocent children.' And each piece of paper had a slogan at the bottom, 'Every Rebellion needs a SPARK'  with a picture of a flame. 

"I know they aren't great." admitted Sparkle, "but give me a break, I'm only 13."

"What's with the slogan?" asked Kristal

"I needed something that would work if I was working alone or whether you guys were doing it with me. So Spark because, you know, my name's Sparkle, " she said awkwardly, " and also because of our names: Sparkle, Petal, Amethyst, Ruby and Kristal," she grinned but then added quickly, "I mean if you guys are ok with that?"

"Yeah it's cool, " said Kristal, whilst the others nodded, "So what are we going to do, hang them up round the District and school?" 

Sparkle nodded. 

"Sounds like a plan, " smiled Kristal. 

8 months later...

Sparkle watched as Ruby casually dropped a piece of paper as she walked past the Town Hall. She was just about to join her when a Peacekeeper snatched up the paper and grabbed Ruby's arm. Sparkle gasped with terror and ran home. 

The moment she got in, she grabbed a whole pile of paper and put it on the fireplace. She then, trembling, lit a match and started a fire. She hurried to her room, pulled the leaflets out of all the drawers and rushed down with them, with many falling on the floor, and shoved them into the fire. 

The door opened. Thinking it was the Peacekeeper, she turned terrified. Marvel stood there. He had never seen his sister look so scared. 

He came over and picked up a piece of paper. Reading what it said, he looked down at his sister confused, "Sparks, what..."

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