Chapter Three: Tribute Train

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Gwen Maple ushers us on board," Welcome, my pink feathered doves to your Capital train!"

I have seen a lot of fine things in District One but nothing as glamorous as this. A silver chandelier hangs from the ceiling. Plates of food that I didn't know existed are laid out. I'm guessing that they're nibbles in case we get hungry before we actually eat.

And then I see them-Gloss and Cashmere-our mentors. The legendary brother and sister who won the Hunger Games in consecutive years. Since my mother's also a victor, I've often visited them as a kid, but rather than friendly, they seem business-like and stern.

"Hello Marvel. Hello Glimmer," greets Cashmere," Glimmer, I will be your mentor, and Gloss will be Marvel's."

"We will do our best to help you win, but we need your 100% co-operation," says Gloss," And that means doing everything we tell you. Is that clear?"

Glimmer and I both nod.

"Good," says Cashmere, with a hint of a smile," I'll show you to your rooms, then we'll have some food."

Gwen shows us to our rooms, and then we head back to the Dining Car, where a massive feast is laid out for me, Glimmer, Cashmere and Gloss. 

Gwen Maple smiles, "District One is naturally treated the best."

We all dig in. First course is soup. Between mouthfuls, Gloss and Cashmere ask me and Glimmer what we're good at, and how long we'd last in hand-to-hand combat. Upon hearing that our chosen weapons are better at long-range, Gloss frowns, but Cashmere smiles encouragingly and says that there will be time for to practice other weapons in the Training Centre. 

Main course is mostly meat dishes. Gloss spoils the mood by asking us what our weaknesses are. There's an awkward silence as neither me nor Glimmer know what to say. We've been training for this all our lives. Our 'weaknesses' should be non-existent. 

 Thankfully, we're rescued by desert, which is a massive chocolate cake, and for the rest of the meal, Gloss's attention is fixated on that. 

After the meal, we are taken into the Lounge to watch the replay of the Reapings. 

Of course, it shows us first. There's a knowing smile from the commentator when Glimmer and I volunteer, she says something along the lines of, 'Well this year is sure going to be exciting !'

Then it's District Two. 

A muscular girl is picked who looks about 18. She marches confidently towards the stage and it's clear from the way she holds herself that she's an experienced fighter. Exactly who I need on my side to win the games.

 But just before she reaches the stage, a dark-haired girl volunteers. Glimmer snorts when she sees her and I'm crestfallen. She's much smaller that the other girl and looks a lot less muscular. I only hope that there's more to her than meets the eye and she'll prove to be a ruthless killing machine. The stronger our allies are the better.

Then the boy's picked, and yet again I'm disappointed. He's only twelve and clearly hasn't had as much training as his peers. But he's only five steps towards the stage, when a voice booms out, 'I VOLUNTEER!'

That's more like it. I smile with satisfaction as a muscular blond boy in his late teens swaggers towards the stage.

"And what's your name, dear?"

"Cato," he grins, and winks at the camera. Beside me, Glimmer smirks.

District 3 goes by like a whir. Then it's District 4. The boy's boring- only twelve, but though he won't be great as an ally, at least he'll be easy to kill. 

But thankfully, the girl's older and has a quiet confidence about her, not as outspoken as Cato or Glimmer, but not as meek as her fellow tribute. She looks like she has a lot of upper body strength, which makes me wonder what her specialist weapon could be as she's not that big in stature. 

The other districts are far less exciting. 5, 6 ,7 ,8 9, 10. Dull. All easy targets. That's good-it'll make it easier for me to win. 

Districts 11 and 12 though prove to be surprisingly interesting. From District 11, there's a giant- no literally. Glimmer gasps when she sees him, and from the meaning look she gives me, it's clear she wants him as a prospective ally.

And from twelve? The outlining boring coal district? As I said- surprising. A girl actually volunteers. Sure it's for her sister and she doesn't look like much, but a volunteer. They've never had one before. As if to highlight this fact, the people from her district do a weird salute thing, which has also has never been done before.

And, oh wait, their only victor falls off the stage drunk, in an attempt to hug her, which has Glimmer and me in peals of laughter. District Twelve is comic. 

Back in my room, I get dressed into some capitol clothes and dig out the golden necklace Sparkle gave me. I toy with it my hands and think about whether I should wear it or not.

I throw it up in the air and catch it; it's quite light. Shouldn't bother me at all in the Arena. But would it ruin my image? A District One symbol could show a loyalty to home-might be a good thing? 

I'm just about to set it down on the floor when I notice that there's a clasp on top of the District One symbol. Gingerly, I open it. The symbol splits in half to reveal a tiny note inside. Pulling it out and unfolding the scrap of paper, it reads: 


Show them that you aren't just a mindless killer. 

With love, 

S xx

P.S. Every Rebellion needs  a Spark 

I stare. The phrase 'Every Rebellion needs a Spark' rings a bell. Then I remember-it was when Sparkle was being weird and shoving bits of paper into the fire. Great. This is just another weird piece of paper from my sister. 

I'm hurt by the words, 'mindless killer', but I brush the thought away. Of course you need to kill in the Hunger Games. It's that or be killed. 

I rip up the note and chuck it out the window. It may be from my sister but I won't get any sponsors if people think I'm weird. I put the symbol back into place, put the necklace on the floor, and get into bed. Within minutes, I'm asleep. 

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