Chapter Five: Tribute Parade

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I'm spray-painted in silver and covered in jewels. This is not what I was expecting. 

I'm standing awkwardly by the white horses that are to lead us in the Parade, trying to avert the gazes of other tributes, when Glimmer saunters up to me, followed by who I recognise to be the Districts 2 and 4 tributes. 

Glimmer beams at me. "This is Cato," she says, indicating to the muscular blond boy who volunteered at the Reaping. 

"Hey, " I smile, with an effort to feel at ease, despite him looking like someone who could kill me in an instant. We shake hands Hey Marvel, you're District One, remember? I think in an effort to reassure myself. We're all deadly killers here. 

Glimmer turns back to the rest of them and smiles falsely, "Sorry I've forgotten the rest of your names. I guess I was too preoccupied with Cato here." She beams up at him. 

"That was quick, " snarls the dark-haired girl, who I recognise to be from District Two. "I'm Clove, " she says to me, deliberately ignoring Glimmer. 

We shake and then I turn to the other two, "So you're the District 4 Tributes, right?"

"Charmed," says the girl, "I remember your  name from the Reaping. Marvel, right? I'm Marina."

"I'm not good with names, " I confess, as we shake hands. 

"Must be something to do with District One then," mutters Clove.

"This is Murdoch," says Marina indicating to a little kid with curly brown hair behind her. He smiles shyly. 

"Can he fight?" asks Cato, looking at Murdoch intimidatingly, who shrinks behind Marina. 

"Course he can." She smiles encouragingly, "He's great with a sword."

Cato surveys Murdoch doubtfully before turning to the rest of us, "What are your specialist weapons?"

"Archery, " answers Glimmer immediately, sliding towards Cato, "I like to shoot them in the heart," she whispers, in an attempt to be seductive. 

I roll my eyes. Clove grimaces and blurts out, "Knives. Knives are my weapon." Glimmer scoffs but I survey Clove in a new light. Maybe we underestimated her. 

"So you're good at both long and short distance?" I ask

"Yep," replies Clove proudly, "you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of me." This is clearly meant for Glimmer but she's too busy trying to talk up Cato. 

"What about you Marvel? Nice outfit by the way," says Marina.

"Thanks," I retort sarcastically, "The spear."

Marina scoffs. "How unimaginative," she says, "I prefer the trident myself. Much more reliable. And I like to use a sword as back-up."

"See," I retort, "The trident is so bad that you have to use a sword. My spears never let me down."

"Oh, but they do," she replies, "you use multiple spears right? I only need one trident."

I can't think of a comeback so I force myself to talk to Cato, despite how threatening he is, and say, "So what's your specialist weapon Cato?"

"Huh?" He asks. He's been too busy talking to Glimmer. Clove grinds her teeth angrily. 

"Your specialist weapon?"

"Oh the sword," he says nonchalantly before resuming his conversation with Glimmer. 

"Tributes! Into your chariots!" A voice booms. 

As I get in, I'm rather pleased at the range of weapons we have between us. Glimmer gets in beside me, smiling to herself. 

The opening music begins and we are suddenly jolted forward as the horses move. I grab the chariot to steady myself and see that Glimmer has done the same. The gates open and suddenly we are greeted with a roar from the crowd of people that have lined the streets.

I force a smile onto my face and gingerly raise a hand and attempt to straighten myself, with my other hand holding onto the chariot for dear life. 

Glimmer and I both wave energetically, and the Capitol people love us. We are, after all, District One. Glimmer blows kisses to the crowd and manages to catch a rose someone throws at her. 

Unfortunately, the cheers for District One are diluted somewhat by the appearance of Cato and Clove from their chariot, but that's ok. Because we're allies. 

I really start to enjoy myself. Seeing the all the Capitol gazing adoringly at me, Glimmer and the District Two chariot, lavishing us with roses and kisses, makes me certain we will get sponsors and I even start to blow some kisses myself. 

But after about minute that all changes. Suddenly there's silence, followed by screams and then the people roar again, not our names, but names of 'Katniss' and 'Peeta'. Glimmer and I look at each other puzzled, wondering what's going on. Then, steadying myself on the chariot, I risk a glance behind me. 

At first my brain can't register what my eyes are seeing but then it clicks. Right at the back, two tributes are on fire. Literally. No wonder the attention of the audience is on them. 

I turn back to Glimmer. "It's the District Twelve tributes, " I whisper to Glimmer, "they're burning with fake flame. That's why the audience is getting so excited."

"Then we need to one up them, " she whispers back to me


"Hold me," she whispers. And before I can reply, she grabs hold of the bar in front of the chariot and tries to lift herself up. It doesn't work and she hisses, "Marvel lift me up. "

I lift her up, whilst trying to remain steady on the chariot, "Glimmer, this isn't working, " I whisper, embarrassed, as some members of the audience stare at us. 

Glimmer doesn't reply and somehow manages to get her legs over the bar, whilst facing forward. 

"Now hold me, " she whispers. 

"You do realise we are supposed to be standing on the chariots, don't you?" I mutter, thinking that this can't get any worse, as I put my hands on her waist. 

Glimmer puts one hand on the bar to support herself, and begins blowing kisses and waving to the audience, whilst muttering to me, "Don't you dare move Marvel."

I smile at the audience, as if this is all normal and Glimmer isn't ruining our chance to get sponsors, but whatever Glimmer's doing it surprisingly seems to be working. I actually hear my name being chanted a few times. 

But then there's another huge cheer and the cries of 'Katniss' and 'Peeta' start up and I look behind me again. Seriously? The District 12 tributes are now holding hands. Well I'm not going to be holding hands with Glimmer. 

"Glimmer, " I whisper, "The District 12 tributes have upped their game again. You should probably just get back into the chariot."

Glimmer glares at me and carefully climbs back into the chariot whilst I steady her. We resume waving and smiling dazzlingly at the audience. But it's no use. Whatever District 12's stylists have done, it's making them get all the sponsors. The sponsors that should go to District One as the stars of the show.  

Finally, we end up at President Snow's mansion. Our horses and the music stops. The President comes out onto the balcony and wishes us a Happy Hunger Games. Normally I would be overjoyed at this moment. After all, it's always been my dream to enter the games. 

But I'm too busy glaring at the two tributes who have ruined this moment for me- Katniss and Peeta. 

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