Epilogue: Every Rebellion needs a SPARK

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Sparkle watches the television screen as the girl from District 12 shoots her brother in the neck. She doesn't cry; she hasn't got any tears left. She cried constantly in the few days after Marvel was taken to the Capitol. She'd been fairly sure she wouldn't see him again, and if she did, he would be a completely different person. 

Her mother, sitting beside her on the sofa, sighs heavily but doesn't cry. "At least he died honourably," she says. As if honour is all that matters. 

Sparkle doesn't reply. Her thoughts are focussed instead on the injustice of it all. Honour. Sparkle had grown to hate that word. It meant nothing yet it was everything in District One. They just couldn't see. They couldn't see that every tribute was a puppet, a pawn, designed to entertain the people of the Capitol. 

And now her brother, another mindless pawn, had been killed by another pawn of the Capitol, this girl from District 12 for no reason at all. Just to make the audience happy. 

But then something gets Sparkle's attention. The girl from District 12 starts singing to the girl from District 11, the girl Marvel just killed. It's a simple song, yet surprisingly beautiful and Sparkle begins to feel for the District 12 girl, even though she just killed her brother. 

And then the girl-what was her name again?- Katniss, does something amazing, which makes Sparkle excited. She covers the District 11 girl in flowers-something that has never been done before in the Games. 

And then she turns to face her dead ally, and the camera trains on her eagerly. Katniss presses her middle three fingers of her right hand against her lips and raises them into the air. And, without thinking, Sparkle finds herself copying. 

She forgives Katniss for killing her brother and watches with increased admiration as the games go on. And she watches with awe as Katniss defies the Capitol and manages to get both her and her district partner to win the Games. 

Sparkle has now a new purpose in life. She has waited, just as Shimmer told her to, for a chance to defy the Capitol. And now she has that chance, in the form of Katniss Everdeen. 

Sparkle sees Katniss as the spark for a new rebellion against the Capitol. And she vows that she will help Katniss Everdeen bring down the Capitol, no matter what it takes. 

After all, every rebellion needs a spark, and for a rebellion to take place, that spark needs help to grow. 

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