Chapter Twelve: The Victim

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"It's Lover Boy," I say, attempting to make my voice into a sneer. 

Thankfully, Cato takes up the nickname, "What do you want, Lover Boy ?"

Peeta steps forward nervously, "I want to join you."

"Why do you think we'll accept you? " laughs Glimmer in disbelief, but Cato shushes her. 

"We need fighters in this alliance. Fight me and prove your worth Lover Boy, "he says, whilst Clove tosses Peeta a knife which he barely catches. 

Cato twirls his sword dramatically and the rest of us give them space. Peeta steps forward nervously, but as Cato swings his sword towards his hand, Peeta deflects it, almost as a reflex. Cato swipes again, and again Peeta blocks. I stare, amazed. I would never of thought that someone from District 12 could defend themselves against someone from District 2, yet Peeta manages to keep his footing and all his fingers, whilst defending himself from Cato's attacks. 

Eventually though, the inevitable happens, and Cato overpowers Peeta with skill this time rather than strength. He forces Peeta to the ground and knocks the knife out of his hand. Just like he did to Marina, he presses the sword against his throat. 

"What did you get in your training?" he asks. 

"An eight," whispers Peeta. 

"If I spare your life, do you promise to help us find Katniss Everdeen and kill her?"

Peeta doesn't reply at first but as Cato presses the sword deeper, he sees he's left with no choice and whispers, "yes."

Cato takes the sword off his throat, "Say that again, louder, so the audience can hear."

"I promise I will help you find Katniss, "says Peeta loudly, though he's shaking like a leaf. 

"And?" prompts Cato. 

"And I'll help you kill her. "

"Right, you're in. You can keep the knife."

Glimmer bursts into peals of laughter and even I have to smile. It's too good to be true. Just like that, with a few sentences, he's blown the entire romance angle. Meaning neither he or Katniss will get sponsors. 

"As we've only got 5 tents, you'll have to share with him Marvel," I open my mouth to protest but Cato cuts me off, "I'm the leader and I want a tent to myself and I don't want Lover Boy sleeping with the girls." I groan but nod. I'd rather be sharing a tent with Peeta Mellark than Cato anyway. 

As night approaches, we hear the anthem and we see the faces of the people who died today. I feel sickened when I see Murdoch's face in the sky, as well as the two people I killed-the girl from District 7 and the boy from District 8. I look round at the others and see that Glimmer has the same uneasy expression on her face and Marina is looking upset, but the others appear unaffected-even Peeta Mellark. 

The moment it's over, Cato wants to look for victims. Marina offers to guard our stuff whilst we go and hunt for tributes. I can tell that she's still upset about Murdoch and needs the time alone to think things over. 

Our night hunting is mostly unsuccessful, but a few hours before dawn, we see smoke in the distance. 

"A campfire!" cries Glimmer. 

It takes a while to get to it and immediately it's clear that Clove and Cato have had some training in District 2 because they're the fastest and don't have to stop like the rest of us do. 

By the time we reach the fire it's almost dawn. We sprint towards the smoke, weapons drawn, but then Cato motions us to a stop when we reach the clearing where the fire is. We can see the fire-starter now-it's a girl in her mid-teens and we creep towards her, with Peeta being annoyingly loud. 

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