Chapter Four: The Capitol

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"Remember. When we get off this train," says Gloss over breakfast, "You're the Capitol's darlings. Be their darlings. Just smile and wave, act confident, and nothing will go wrong."

What a pessimist. Glimmer and I exchange glances.

"Of course," chips in Cashmere with a glare at her brother," Nothing shall go wrong. Because no one, ever, ever displaces District One as stars of the show."

"Well, except for..." mutters Gloss. Cashmere kicks him in the shin and he shuts up. But I know the end of that sentence.

District Two.

But that's ok, because they're our prospective allies. 

About fifteen minutes later, we're approaching the platform. Glimmer and I rush to the window, do our best smiles and wave frantically. We need to have the most sponsors out of all the tributes and every sponsor counts. 

People spot us and immediately start waving back. They love District One. As Gloss said, we are their 'darlings'. 

When we step off the train, the photographers are there immediately. Glimmer and I both pose with Glimmer blowing kisses to some of the men. 

We are ushered into a building, inconveniently right next to the platform so we don't get much press time, and Glimmer and I are sent into separate rooms. 

A guy in a suit asks for my District Token so they can check that it's 'safe' for the Games. (Meaning I won't use it as a weapon to stab anyone with). I hand it over, whilst being reassured that I'll get it back as soon as possible as long as it's 'safe' and then I'm directed to another room. 

 As soon as I open in the door, I'm faced with three of the most ghastly looking people I've ever met. They're completely smothered in make-up and I'm amazed that they can even walk with the amount of jewellery they've got on.

"Errr" I stutter. I have a sudden urge of really wanting a spear. Then I compose myself and try to give them my most dazzling smile, "Hi." Maybe they can do sponsors too. 

They grin at me, grab hold, and force me to sit into a chair. Gloss did not prepare me for this. Before I know it, things are happening to me simultaneously. Someone is washing my hair, whilst another person literally rips the hairs out of my skin while someone else is injecting something into my skin. 

I stare at the person with a needle with alarm, thinking it's a knife, but they just smile what they think is a reassuring smile, and tell me in a nasal voice that it's to stop me getting a beard in the arena. 

Next minute I know, my clothes are torn off me and dumped into a bath and I'm scrubbed until my skin is red and I'm certain it will peel off. And throughout it all, I have to do my best to smile because they might sponsor me. Being a District One tribute is so hard. 

Then I'm pulled out the bath, given a towel and shoved into another room. The door shuts quickly behind me. 

I look around, taking deep breaths. I'm in a small room with two plush red chairs and a table with two doors-one I just came through and one on the opposite side of the room. 

Suddenly the other door opens and a jewelled man with gold hair and a gold moustache wearing pink uniform enters the room. 

He smiles at me, "Hello. My name is Aquarius Heavenwing and I am your stylist."

I smile back, "Marvel."

"Pleasure to meet you. Now lets get straight to business. Drop the towel and let me have a look at you."


He gestures impatiently," Come on boy. I need to see what I can work with."

Chagrined, I slowly drop my towel. But I wasn't raised in District One for nothing. I raise my head high to keep my pride. 

He walks around me and then nods his head approvingly. He then picks up a red dressing robe on one of the chair and hands it to me. 

"Here. Put this on, and then come and join me at the table."

I quickly pull on my dressing robe and sit down in one of the chairs opposite him. 

"Sorry, about that, " he grinned at me, "But it's the same with all the tributes. We have to see what clothing styles will fit your hair, face and body."

I nod and then say, "So what's planned for the Tribute Parade?" 

He beams enthusiastically, "Well I'm glad you asked..."

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