Chapter Two: Saying my goodbyes

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We are marched into the Justice Building. Glimmer is sent into one room, and I go to the other. I've been in the building quite a few times, it's very common for District One to get rewarded in a ceremony.

The room's well furnished; large with plenty of comfortable sofas and a large window. In my District, we can afford to have these things. It makes you proud to be District One.

I smile whenever I think of the lesser, no so well-off districts, such as District 12, the dirty, uncouth, cramped district of coal mining. They have a grand total of 2 or 3 victors. They must be so pleased. We have over 10.

I've just sat myself down on the red armchair when the door swings open. It's my mother and Sparkle. My mother is positively beaming, but surprisingly for someone from District One, my sister seems to be fighting back tears.

"You'll do us proud, Marvel. I know you will." says my mother," I'm certain they'll be a winner from District One this year."

I smile, "Thanks." I look at Sparkle and grin at her, " There's nothing to worry about Sparkle. I've been training almost my entire life. Any advice?"

Sparkle seems about to say something but mother cuts in," Make allies with Districts Two and Four immediately Marvel. That's your priority."

I roll my eyes," That's what happens every year. Don't worry, they'll be just as keen to make allies too."

Mother smiles and then checks her watch," We've got about a minute left. Anything you want to say Sparkle?"

My sister nods and takes a deep steadying breath," Marvel," she says seriously," When you're in the arena, just try to- try to survive without killing people if you can. "

I burst into laughter, "Sparkle, it's the Hunger Games! What would you expect?"

"Marvel-" I ignore her and carrying on laughing.  She frowns but then she adds," One more thing."

"Sparkle," says Mother warningly.

Sparkle withdraws something from her pocket. It's a golden necklace with the emblem of District One on it," Will you have this as your District One token?"

I stop laughing as Sparkle seems pretty serious about this. "Sure," I say.  

Sparkle hugs me, as the Peacekeepers open the door, "Time's up," one of them says. 

Mother nods, and taking my hands in a moment of rare affection, says," Do us proud, son," And with that my two relatives leave the room.

I sit awkwardly for a few moments fiddling with the necklace, waiting for the next guest to be admitted; it's Moonshine. 

"Hey," I grin, quickly pushing the necklace behind me, before he can tease me for wearing it. 

"Hey," he says, but he doesn't return the smile. Instead, he sits down on the spare chair and clasps and unclasps his hands uncomfortably. 

"Look, man-" he begins. 

"I know what you're going to say," I smile, cutting him off, "That I should have let you volunteer instead of me. But, trust me, my mother would have personally killed me if I didn't enter this year. You know what she's like. You can win the next one. It's the 75th next year. Imagine the honour of winning that."

I wait for Moonshine to grin or smile or something, but instead he remains quiet. Then, at last, he says, "It's about Glimmer."

My eyes widen, "You like her or something? Why are you telling me this? You need to tell her before she goes, not me."

Moonshine flushes. "No!" He gasps. 

"Then-" I start to say again. 

"Look, Marv, just shut up for a minute will you?" Moonshine suddenly barks, "Shut up and listen." I close my mouth with a snap. 

Moonshine takes a deep breath, and then says, not meeting my eyes, "Glim's my cousin."


"She's my cousin."

"You never said," I accuse. 

Moonshine shrugs and sighs again, "Look, I haven't got any parents." I wince, hoping that he won't remember that his father was in the same Games as my mother. "Or siblings. Glimmer's the only family I've got. So..." He trails off. 

I stare at my hands, "You want her to win instead of me?"

Moonshine winces, as if hearing the words out loud makes it worse, "Look, man, I didn't mean it like that. I just-"

"Moonshine, I will do whatever it takes to win. You of all people know that. You know how hard I've trained for this." 

He nods and his about to open his mouth to speak when I cut over him, "If there's a time when I have to choose between my life and hers, I will save myself. If we're the last two in the arena or our alliance is falling apart, I will fight her to win."

He opens his mouth to speak, but I hold up my hand to show him I'm not finished. 

"But," I raise my eyes to meet his, "I promise you that while we're allies, I will do my best to take care of her."

Moonshine nods, grateful. And then, at long last, he smiles, "She'll need the help. We've both seen her archery skills."

And we're both smiling by the time he's escorted out by the Peacekeepers. No more visitors come and I'm forced to wait alone until Gwen Maple is ready to collect me. 

I stuff Sparkle's necklace in my pocket as we get into the car which is to take us to the train station. Gwen forces me and Glimmer to sit side-by-side as she squeezes herself onto the left seat. Thankfully, Glimmer is in the middle and it's her who has to do the talking. 

I spare a glance at Glimmer. It never occurred to me that my best friend, Moon, and her might be cousins. Moonshine was never one to talk about his family. 

I don't like Glimmer. I don't hate her, but as a general rule, she and I ignore each other. She's not my type, and I'm clearly not hers. 

But even though she and I aren't exactly friends, she is Moonshine's cousin, albeit one that he's too ashamed too openly acknowledge. I will hold true to my promise and do what I can to do take care of her-without putting my own life on the line. 

After all, I have a family to come back to too. 

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