Chapter Seven: Training

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I step into the elevator and jam the button for the roof. I turn my back to the doors and glance out of the window as it begins to rise. The sun is just beginning to set and, even though I'm not someone who is typically wowed by art, even I have to admit the way it hits the skyscrapers is kind of beautiful. 

The elevator stops abruptly and twisting round, I see that it's stopped on level four. There's a ding as the doors slide open and Marina enters. Unlike me, she's changed out of the outfit she wore earlier and is instead wearing casual jeans and shirt. 

"Hey," she smiles, "Going up to the roof?"

I nod as the elevator doors slide shut again and we begin to rise. She heads over to where I'm standing. 

"Where's your shadow?" I ask, after some silence. 

"Murdoch?" She asks, "Chatting with Finnick." She shakes her head and smiles and the elevator doors slide open again, "Man, that's weird to say. Never thought I'd be on first name basis with the Finnick Odair."

I smile as we step out of the elevator onto the roof, "My mother's a victor so I'm guess I'm used to talking with Gloss and Cashmere."

"Oh yeah," she says, grinning, "I completely forgot about that. Must be tough having a victor for a parent though. Did she tell you to volunteer?" I nod. "Figured," she smiles. 

We glance out of the city in silence, before she asks, "So what brings you up here?"

I shrug, "Was having a hard time with Glimmer."

She raises an eyebrow, "And you struck me as an easy-going guy."

"Even easy-going guys have limits," I smile. I'm already feeling better. "What brings you up here?"

She shrugs, "I've always liked going on late-night walks in District Four. Since I can't really walk here, I just decided to go up to the roof."

"Makes sense," I smile. We go quiet again and, for a moment, everything is peaceful. Then there's the ding of the elevator, followed by conversation as more people step out. 

"I told you, I'm doing it for the sponsors," says an angry voice. It's vaguely familiar. "Brutus said that the more romance there is in an alliance, the more likely our group will get sponsored. Plus, if she thinks I like her, it might make her relax her guard. Then we'll be able to take her out near the end."

Marina's eyes widen. She grabs me by the hand and pulls me round the corner as the pair step onto the roof. Peering round, I see that it's Cato and Clove. I wince. If they see us listening in on their argument, Cato will kill me for sure. 

"And I told you," Clove growls back, "That I don't care about the sponsors or any of that. Only one of us can win Cato. We won't be able to be together forever. Why waste that time on hoodwinking someone like Glimmer?"

Cato sighs, but his back is to me so I can't see his expression. "Look, I don't like the idea either but Brutus seems set on it. I don't see how we can get out it now." he says lamely.

Clove is not impressed. She rolls her eyes, "What, because she flirted with you earlier? Just admit it Cato, you-"

But whatever it is she's about to say, it's cut off by Cato grabbing her by the arms and pulling her in for a kiss. 

I squeak. Marina covers my mouth with one hand, and my eyes with the other. Angrily, I pull both hands away, and then quickly let go as I realise I'm holding her. 

I flush and focus my attention on Cato and Clove. They've stopped kissing. 

"Don't interrupt me," Clove says, but there's a small smile playing at her lips. The pair turn and head back towards the elevator. I breathe a sigh of relief. 

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