ten. [m.g.c]

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I was finding it so difficult to actually do this, I couldn't talk to her properly cause I felt like I was giving myself away.

"Hey, Case what's your twitter?" I asked as I was tuning my guitar.

"It's canaryxclifford." She spoke sweetly her eyes on me.

"Okay hang on" I logged into my proper twitter account and searched her, following her straight away with no hesitation. "What's The Sqwad?" I asked her with a small chuckle.

"Oh th-the Sqwad" she stammered "it's just a group of friends that love you guys really"

"Is there a lot of you?" I questioned

"Yeah, they're all in my top two tweets on my profile."

"Wow there's a lot of you!" I laughed as I pressed follow on each individual one. But I stopped once I got to my Sam profile. I wasn't sure whether to follow it or not. Would it be too obvious? I was undecided. After a few minutes of should I shouldn't I, I gave in and pressed the follow button.

A notification came through, straight away I thought it was the follow on Sams account, but when I looked it wasn't.

Mentioned by @canaryxclifford: "@Michael5SOS, thank you for the follows for me and the Sqwad, also for the butterfly. I'll keep my promise."

I decided to tweet back.

"@Michael5SOS: @canaryxclifford anything for you beautiful, don't break your promise, I want you to stay safe okay babe? pic.twitter/Michael5SOS/2628393736282920"
I attached the picture of me kissing her cheek, and as I saw the notification come through on her phone, her face immediately lit up and turned to me. Mouthing a 'Thank you' but no volume followed it.

"Stay here on the front row, and don't disappear straight after the set okay?" I asked her.

"Of course, I'm not going anywhere now anyway, you don't start for two hours, don't you need to tweet the final clue? I think people are stumped" she spoke with a smile.

"I will but first come talk to the guys, boys come here?" I shouted. Straight away the three boys bounced a long with a smile, and they straight away recognised Casey.

"Oh my god it's-- ow" Luke said, being interrupted by Calum kicking his leg with a stern look.

"Michael, it's Michael!" He finished, correcting what he was supposed to say. I saw Calum mouth a quick sentence to Luke 'don't ruin this for him'. The boys knew I had some sort of affection towards Casey and were happy that I was able to actually get to know a girl. However Ashton was scared I was getting in too deep in the wrong way and I would hurt her and myself.

"Yes now introduce yourselves and be polite!" I scolded them. One by one the boys introduced themselves to Case. Her smile getting bigger and bigger by the minute. I loved seeing her smile, she was so beautiful. I let them talk quickly as I quickly got my phone out, iMessaging Casey through Sams iMessage

Sam; how is it going, are you two in love yet?

Straight away I got a reply.

Casey; I don't know about him but I definitely am.

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