eleven. [c.a.m]

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eleven. [c.a.m]

As I expected the boys were unbelievable, I stuck to my word and waited while the crowd dispersed. I watch the four of them greet their fans with smiled on their faces.

As the boys waved the last of their fans off I watched them make their way over to me. I was so nervous. I needed sam. Oh my god was Sam here today? I mean he lived near me! I decided to make a mental note to ask him later.

"Did you enjoy the performance" Luke smiled as the boys sat on the bench with me.

"I did it was brilliant!" I beamed, mentally thanking myself for not stuttering for the first time today.

"Now I don't know about you guys but I'm dying for something to eat" Ashton smiled.

"You coming Casey?" Calum smiled.

"Please come?" Michael pleaded.

" I guess so, I mean only if you want me to" I gave them a small smile.

"Great, let's go!"

The boys packed up their stuff and we made our way to this small American style diner which was quite closer to where I lived.

After having some lovely lunch we made our way outside, but a mob of girls were waiting.

"I guess this is goodbye then guys aha" I smiled, a bit disappointed that my time with them was over.

"Wait" Michael said as he grabbed my arm " we want to keep hanging out with you I mean we have all day"

"We can't go anywhere without being mobbed though mike" Calum pointed out.

"You know the area Case, anywhere private-ish?" Michael smiled.

"Well you could come to my place if you wanted, no one is in, Callum's gone out" I suggested, there's no way they would want to come back to my house.

The boys nodded together, "let's do it" Michael said. "Ash are you driving?"

"Yeah my cars just round the corner, Casey you're up front to tell me where to go" Ash said happily

I directed Ash where to drive to get to mine and Callum's house, we were lucky it wasn't far at all.

"Hey Michael, isn't this near your street?" Calum shouted

"Yeah mines just a few streets down from here!" He smiled back at him

Sod's law, all my life I had practically lived down the street from my idol and had never seen him once.

"Come on you lot, we're here" I said as we pulled into my drive, gett out the car and unlocking the front door. I opened the door to find Callum on the sofa eating doritos.

"Oh, I thought you were out all day?" I questioned him. Callum was quite a good looking boy, I honestly thought that if we werent so close with our friendship, that maybe we would've been together. But it became apparent after when we first slept together that we would be nothing more than best friends. He was one boy that I trusted, well other than Sam. He knew everything about me, and he just understood me. And he lived with my obsession with 5SOS

"No, I'm here, came home early I couldnt be arsed. Did you meet your faves then, was Michael as hot in person as you made him out to be" Callum winked

I heard Michael clear his throat, and Callum tilted his head to see the four boys standing there awkwardly, a deep laugh came from Callum

"Shit i'm sorry Case, hi, I'm Callum" he said scratching the back of his neck, making his way over to the four boys "why don't you come in properly, anybody want a beer?" The four boys shuffled in, nodding in respone to the question of the alcohol. Callum and the lads got talking after introducing themselves, having a nice laugh and a joke, it felt nice hanging out, only in my dreams had I ever thought this would happen to me, it was crazy.

"So Callum, how long have you and Casey been together then?" Luke questionned with a smile, I choked on my drink and started coughing. Callum started laughing hard.

"Oh no no no, we're not together. We slept together once, but no nothing like that" Callum chuckled

"CALLUM!" I shouted, I was mortified. How could he just come out and say that? Especially in front of the four people I idolised.

I immediately turned to face Michael, his eyes flickered to me and then to the ground. I couldn't read what he was thinking. But I felt guilty straight away.


A few hours passed and the boys had brushed off the whole mentioning of me and Callum sleeping together. We were still having the odd drink and laughing together. Then I felt a nudge on my shoulder, Michael.

"Hey erm Casey" He whispered, trying not to let the others hear.

"Yes Michael" I smiled, using the same volume as he did.

"Could I get your number? I really would like to see you again" He gave me a warm, yet nervous smile.

And I physically pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a dream. And it wasn't, this was completely real, wow.

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