sixteen. [c.a.m]

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"If you can't hang then theres the door baby" I sang loudly dancing around my room to my Spotify playlist, I heard my laptop ding, and I made my way over to check what it was. I clicked onto my email, which was what had made the noise, reading through the few unread ones, most of them were just spam from LinkedIn, my profile for my Sound Engineering stuff, which was why I was doing Music Tech at college. I came across an email from a person I didn't recognise, however i went ahead to read it.

"Dear Casey Martin,

We came across your contact through a friend of ours Mr John Reeve who we believe to be your college tutor. We have a job opportunity coming up for a length of 12 months for a worldwide tour starting in 17 Days leaving from Sydney which is where we believe you are located. For the job you will be doing the following jobs; tour management, Sound Engineering (Live and recording), Filming, Roadie Jobs, Sound checks, merchandising plus more.

The artists you will be looking after will be revealed to you on the day of tour, just for an extra bit of fun for you, but we can reveal the act is quite well known. We will be covering 100% of your expenses including accomodation, food, travel and also you will be given $750 to spend on clothes to take with you for the duration of the trip.

We would love to hear back from you, there will be a meeting at 12pm on the day of tour for you to meet the artist and have all arrangements finalised. Please let me know ASAP if you would or would not like to accept the job offer, we would be honoured to have you, your tutor gave us a fantastic reference!


Jennifer Brydon

TM Management"

I was in shock, what just happened? Was this real, wow. I couldn't cope, this was my dream. I had to go. I was ecstatic, I replied straight away.

"Dear Jennifer Brydon,

I am delighted and honoured that you have contracted me, and I would like to completely accept your offer. This seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am very excited to be sharing it with you, I feel very privelleged that you have contact and would like the thank you so greatly.

Let me know the details of the meeting etc. when you can and that would be great. Once again thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you


Casey Martin"

I was so happy, my life was starting to take shape for the better, and nothing could ruin this now. I felt the need to celebrate, so I texted Michael.

Casey: Michael, fancy doing something tonight, I need to celebrate!

Michael: Drinks around mine?

Casey; Perfect, 6pm?

Michael: I'll pick you up then

Casey; Thank youuuu

It was already 5pm so I decided to get ready, packing a bag with a few cclothes just incase I stay over as we would all be drinking. I loosly curled my hair and wore black jeans with a black tank top and a red and back flannel. I heard a car horn beeping and i knew that was my cue to leave. I locked the door behind me, bounding down the steps to walk to Michael's car.

"You look beautiful, that outfit reminds me of Luke" he smiled

"So Luke is beautiful?" I laughed

"Shut up, we need to go celebrate" He smiled "Ive invited a lot of people round, its like a party in there"

"Oooh i love a good party"


5 hours and multiple drinks later and I could hardly stand, I was wandering around the house on my own, with no reason why at all.

"MICHAAEEEEEEL WHERE ARE YOU" I shouted whilst giggling, i hadnt seen him for a while and I missed him. I wandered to where his bedroom was and fell through the door. I wasn't nearly drunk enough to ignore the sight that unfolded in front of me. Michael was in bed with a girl, his hands all over her body, and I had to leave, I had to run. I dont know why because we werent even together but I couldnt watch that. No way I could. My eyes were stinging with tears, and I was shaking with upset and anger, I made my way downstairs.

"Ashton? Ash? Where are you?" I spoke whilst walking around the house, and then I spotted him, i cuddled into him straight away.

"What's wrong?" he said, worry in his eyes.

"Can you take me to bed please, I-I need to go to bed" I cried

"What did he do?" He said whilst taking my hand and leadng me to his room to go to bed. As he past Michael's room, we heard moans and creaks and my eyes brimmed with tears again. "Oh I understand now Case" his face turned straight to sadness and concern. "Come on lets get you to bed babe"

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