twenty five. [m.g.c]

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twenty five. [m.g.c]

7 days until Sydney concert


I tossed my duffel bag into the backseats of my car, turning the key into the ignition and backing away from the hotel car park. This was the best opportunity I had to clear my head, I was so glad I had come away.

After about an hours drive I turned into park my car on the drive of the house, locking my car and walking to the front door of the house.

Taking a breath, I walked in. I was just about to announce my arrival until I saw the three boys, Callum and of course Casey glancing my way.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Casey shouted as she walked up to me pushing my shoulder. "Why the hell would you just go like that?"

"I needed to clear my head" I murmured as I pushed past her.

"Clear your head?!" She shouted pulling my arm back spinning me round to face her. "What could you possibly have in your head to clear out?"

"I have a lot of shit going on okay!" I raised my voice.

"Well tell me Michael because I'm dying to know!" She shouted


"Michael don't" Ashton started but Casey cut him off.


"Casey it has something to do with the fact that I am madly in love with you, you're driving me insane. I can't think of anything but you and it's making me go crazy that I'm keeping things from you." I sighed.

She was shocked to say the least, "what do you mean keeping things from me?"

"I can't Casey, not now"

"No I want to know now" she raised her voice again.

"Fine, I am Sam." I stated, no emotion, nothing.

"What? What do you mean?" She lowered her tone.

"Sam, from The Sqwad. It's me."

Her eyes began to get glassy.

"N-no Sams my friend fro-" she started.

"From Sydney. Yes I know, I made the account." I said

"Prove it." She said, a tear rolling on her cheek.


"No prove it, I want to see it." she said, another tear falling.

"Message him" I said, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. She typed away slowly on her phone, her tears slowly rolling down her face, and as she pressed send and looked at me, I pointed the phone in her direction.

Casey; Sam? Michael?

The text came through on my phone and she looked at me, a mix of anger and sadness in her face.

"Why would you do that to me?" She whispered.


"Lie! MICHAEL WHY? I told Sam or you or whatever some personal stuff and what you just sit there and laugh? Think my life and my past is some sort of fucking game? I told you about my parents, I told you about my situation, and what? You just had a laugh with your bandmates about the pathetic girls and boys from the sqwad".

She paused.

"Wait a second" she started and she turned to face the boys. "You. You were Jace Ollie and Alex weren't you?" She shouted, her eyes just spilling tears.

"Case, we never wanted to hurt you" Ashton started.

"No but you didn't think did you? So this whole friendship was built from lies. And to think I thought I was falling for you Michael." He laughed, still crying.

"Casey, I love you I really love you" I started "please Casey don't"

She laughed again, "you, or Sam?" She breathed out. "I can't do this, I'm sorry. Enjoy your tour, but I can't deal with this, or you four. I don't want to see you again" she sighed, crying harder as she walked towards the door. The boys jumped up as I caught her arm and tried to pull her back.

"Casey no, don't leave I love you" I said my eyes beginning to water at the thought of not seeing her again.

She loosened her arm, pulling it out of my grip, and shook her head. "It's over Michael, just deal with it."

"Will I ever see you again?" I said, my voice cracking.

She shook her head, "bye Michael" and she walked out the door, her figure running down the street.

I stormed up the stairs, falling to my bed and breaking down with tears.


A/N: heeeey, I want to say another big thank you to you lot you guys make me happy. And I want to dedicate this one to the people who have been tweeting me telling me that they love the book it means so much to me! Well this book is nearly finished now however I have the sequel in progress so I hope you guys read that too!

My twitter is @canaryxclifford so if you want to talk just tweet me✌️

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