eighteen. [c.a.m]

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14 days until the Sydney show.

I'm so glad Michael and I were okay now. I couldn't imagine us being mad with each other, he was like a best friend to me now, granted I wanted him to be more than friends but it's a dream come true to be friends.

Dina; Casey we miss you.

Casey; I miss you lot too.

Nat; the boys have left.

Casey; wait what? Has Sam gone as well? No no no

Sam; still here babe.

Kassi: 'babe' urgh otp.

Nat; no Casey and Michael are OTP.

Daisie; omg decisions they're both OTP.

Casey; will you guys stfu.

Sam; I agree.

Casey; you're all dumb ok ok

Sam; I also agree

Nat: but they're agreeing on everything OTP.

Casey; I gtg I'm going out

Sam; with Michael

Casey; yeaaaah he's taking me for dinner to apologise

Sam: what did he do?

Casey; I can't say but he was being a poo

Nat; is sam getting jel

Sam; no they're my OTP.

Casey; I really gotta go guys, I'll send photos

Sam; Michael will put them on twitter first tho I bet.

Casey stfu.

I ran to the shower and turned it on, washing myself twice to make sure I smelt nice.

"CASEY!" I heard Callum shout. I pulled the shower curtain fully across.

"In the shower!" I shouted back, knowing he would come upstairs and sit in the bathroom like normal. I heard the door click open and then shut as I saw his figure sit down on the floor.

"Where you off to?" He asked

"Michaels taking me out for dinner" I said as I washed my hair with shampoo.

"Is he treating you good Case?

"Of course he is, why are you asking?"

"I heard you crying the other night. all night."

"That was me just being pathetic about something"

"I heard what he did Casey, Ashton told me" he sighed "I'm looking out for you okay I don't want you getting hurt."

"I won't get hurt" I said as I turned the shower off. "Towel please"

"Promise me?" He said as he passed towel to me. I wrapped it around my body and pulled the curtain back. I went to walk past him but he lightly pulled my chin. "Be good okay, you guys would be cute together"

I smiled "we're just friends"

"For now" he laughed "go get ready he'll be here any minute"

I walked to my room and began getting ready, the front door bell rang and I heard Callum invite Michael in. As I got ready I could hear the odd bits of laughter coming from downstairs.

I slid on my pink dress and a pair of wedges, applied my normal make up and straightened my hair, for once I looked really girly.

I made my way downstairs, catching the attention of the two laughing boys

"Casey, you lo-look" Callum stuttered

"Beautiful" Michael stated, "Casey you look beautiful"

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