thirteen. [c.a.m]

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thirteen. [c.a.m]

25 days until the Sydney concert, and I thought that was going to be the next time I would see the boys. I thought that they were just hanging out with me that day for someone to hang around with but I was wrong.

My phone was ringing while I was in the shower and naturally i thought it would be Callum, I pushed my arm around the shower curtain and pressed accept and loudspeaker.

"Callum, I am currently naked and in the shower what would you like? And do not say me." I spoke with a laugh, we always joked around like this.

"Urm Case, it's Michael. Not Callum. I was wondering what you were doing today?" A voice spoke through the phone. Crap. This was so embarrassing, I didn't think that Michael would call at all let alone this phone call be him.

"Oh hi Michael I-I'm free today, I'm so sorry about that I thought you wer-"

"Callum, I know don't worry about it Casey. Fancy some lunch?" He asked sweetly, I could almost feel him grinning down the phone.

"That would be great, thanks Michael" I replied, a huge smile on my face as I shut off the running water of my shower. I picked up my phone and clothes and made my way to my bedroom to get ready.

"I'll come to yours for 2:30?" He asked, I glanced to the clock seeing that it was currently 1pm.

"That would be perfect" I smiled

"You're perfect" I heard him mumble down the phone quietly.


"No-nothing, urm I'll see you at 2:30 Case" he said and abruptly ended the call.

Did he really say that or was it my imagination? He wouldn't say that, no way. I decided to start getting ready, choosing black skinny jeans with a Darwin Deez constellations crop top. He was a British act and I had this t-shirt shipped over by one of the sqwad from the UK and I decided to turn it into a crop top. It was a black background with little white dots that looked like a galaxy of stars with Darwin Deez written across it, I had cut it just below the text and I thought it was cute. I finished my outfit by straightening my hair and leaving it flat with very minimal make up on and black converse.

I looked in the mirror, the outfit was cute just not on me. I sighed, it would have to do. It had taken me and hour and fifteen minutes to get ready and I was sorting out what I needed to take with me. The doorbell rang and I opened it. Michael.

"You're early" I smiled.

He smirked back "sorry about that it's a habit to be early for amazing things"

"Lunch isn't that amazing Michael" I laughed.

" I wasn't talking about the food Case" he smiled. "Could I have a hug please?"

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