fourteen. [c.a.m]

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fourteen. [c.a.m]

He was so cute, the fact he was asking for a hug, and so sweetly I couldn't help but smile and make my way over to him. I wrapped my small arms around him, his tall frame towered me.

"Could we take a photo" he asked with a smile. I nodded and he whipped his phone out of his pocket, he turned his camera on and faced it towards us.

He took a few of us smiling and just like he did last time he took one of him kissing my cheek. He smiled at me and went onto the twitter app, attaching the photo to a tweet

"@Michael5SOS: out today with this one 🐘 @canaryxclifford"

I looked at the notification I received with a smile. He was adorable, the fact he had remembered my username was just amazing, I just couldn't believe how crazy the last few days had been for me, I had met my idols, and I was hanging out with my sunshine. This was any fangirl's goal, and little old me was the lucky one.

"You mentioned me?" I smiled.

"Yeah why wouldn't I? He laughed, a smile hanging on his lips. God I had to restrain myself from just kissing him right there and then. He was so beautiful, it's so hard to describe.

"I dunno I just wasn't sure if you could or if it would cause any issues" I mumbled.

"Don't be silly Case, why wouldn't I tweet about my friends?" He smiled.

"Friend?" I smiled widely.

"Yeah. You do want to be friends don't you? I mean if you don't it's okay" he said, his tone lowering as he got to the end of his sentence. He wanted to be friends with me? Like real friends. "I mean we live in the same area, we would see each other a lot, but it's up to you. Want to be friends Case?"

I couldn't resist that smile, there's no way on Earth that I could deny him. Plus, to be friends with my idol, to be considered a proper friend of his would just be unbelievable. He was so down to earth and I could believe how lucky I was.

"Of course you muppet, now where are we going for Lunch?" I smiled.


We had just finished lunch as this lovely little cafe not far from my street, and it was perfect. A few fans had spotted him and came over for photos which was quite sweet to see.

We were walking towards the road to town when Michael started talking, "I don't want to end the day here" he announced.

I smiled, "okay where are we going?"

He thought about it for a few seconds before he answered, "my house, we can watch a few films"

"Okay, but I want to go against you in a zombie video game first"

"You're on Martin" he challenged.

"Bring it Clifford" I laughed and playfully shoved him. Which then became a playful shoving match, I then pushed him too hard,which resulted into him falling to the ground, pulling me with him. I landed on top of him, both of us laughing hysterically until our gaze met and our laughter died down, as well as our breathing slowing down.

"Case?" He mumbled. I nodded in response with a little hum. "Co-could I kiss you?" He asked, his gaze flickering between my eyes and my lips.

And once again I nodded in reply, and his lips found mine. It's was perfect, there were no other words for it. So many thoughts were swirling around my head. Mainly of Michael. He was so perfect, he could have anyone in the world, he was famous for Christ sake. He had awards, millions of fans, albums, singles, tours and shows. But here he was, kissing me. I wasn't good enough for him, I was just a normal 18 year old, studying Music Tech, how did I deserve this? I had gone from my own fantasies of kissing Michael, to physically doing it. I had to pinch myself, just to make sure it wasn't too good to be true. But no, this was happening, and it was happening right now.

We pulled apart and all I could do was smile. "I'm sorry, I had to do that otherwise I would've regretted it" he breathed. "Have I ever told you you're beautiful?" He repeated his phrase, the same one he kept using everyday.

"Michael, stop" I laughed.

"You are, you're so beautiful" he repeated as he leaned in to kiss me again.

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