nineteen [m.g.c]

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nineteen. [m.g.c]

13 days until Sydney concert.

Dinner with Case yesterday was perfect, she looked so wonderful in that dress and I loved her hair like that, straight and beautiful.

I decided to have a day with the lads for once, it had seemed like a lifetime since I hung out with them.

"Hey lads, what do you fancy doing today?" I said, whilst dipping my spoon into my bowl of cereal.

"Why don't we go shopping for tour?" Ashton suggested.

"Do you know how girly that sounded" Luke laughed.

"Shut the fuck up man, we need to get some sort of clothes, we can't go naked" Ashton retaliated.

"The fans would love that" I laughed. "So are we going shopping?"

"Yeah let's do it, Ash you're driving" Calum said

"Why do I have to drive?" Ashton whined.

"Because you're a whiny bitch that's why and now let's go, before the shops shut" Luke laughed, I put my bowl in the sink and followed the boys to the car.

"Oh and Ashton, don't buy expensive clothing just to put holes in it, if you're gonna do that get some cheap shit" I laughed

"Excuse me, it's punk af" he shouted

"Bullshit it isn't"I laughed as we drove off to the shopping centre.


After a few hours of shopping we finally made our way home with bags and bags of clothes all ready for tour. All this talk of tour was getting me so excited to travel the world and meet new people, but I was going to have to say goodbye to some people, including Casey, it was going to be so strange not seeing her for months after spending so much time together. Honestly she was one of the best people I had ever met, I was so lucky to have her, and I had Twitter to thank for us meeting.

The more I thought about it, the more I was dreading the day that tour came. That was the day I had to tell Casey about the whole Sam situation, but in my head I was sure that she would find it funny, that she wouldn't mind that I was pretending to be someone else.

"Boys I've been meaning to ask you, why did you leave The Sqwad? Especially since you were finding some love interest from what I've heard" I asked the boys as we all sat playing FIFA.

"I don't know, I mean it was fun for a while but it became kinda boring and suck-ish" Calum sighed "I mean the girls were amazing don't get me wrong but I don't know there was something I couldn't quite explain, there was none of that connection you and Case have, you two just clicked right from the off"

"Yeah like you and her just get each other, like sometimes when you're here together you don't even communicate with words, just glances and giggles, like there's no other words for it but understanding" Luke smiled

"We're just friends though guys calm down" I laughed.

"But the question is, do you want to be just friends?" Calum questioned.

"no, no I don't"

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