three. [m.g.c]

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"@Canaryxclifford: yo twats of the world, our main man @SamCliffordSOS has decided to join The Sqwad follow him before you all get shot, ily all"

"@Daisiiee: follow la new Sqwad member ok gdgd @SamCliffordSOS"

"@5SOSforever: we have a man amongst our Sqwad follow the smelly one @SamCliffordSOS"

They were just some of the shoutouts the girls from the Sqwad were giving me, and man were they working. In the first couple of days of me being in the Sqwad I had gained 3000 followers and my current number was 3529 and it was quite cool. I could be myself but someone different at the same time. But I will admit, it was hilarious seeing the way the girls would talk about my band mates. Wow some of the stuff that They could come out with was crazy.

Kassi; Luke's just posted a picture of him playing on stage last night. Brb drowning in ma own tears soz.

Dina; omfg kassi shut up, he is not ur play thing. He is mine.

Casey; literal ew

Nat; stfu Casey, we all know how you think about Mikey.

And my eyes widened, my cheeks tinted a little bit pink, wait did Casey think about me like that? I knew she was a 'Michael girl' but the sexual stuff? Oh god.

Casey; literally be quiet, I cannot help the fact that Michael literally is the most beautiful boy on the planet.

That was actually quite a sweet thing to read, it was weird reading what she had to say about me In like first person without her even knowing

Kerilee; but Case, what about that time you had that dream that you and him were having sex, and you said his dick was, hang on what were the words? "Fucking enlightening"

Sam; woah

I couldn't help myself, I had to intervene, Casey was having sexual dreams about me, oh god, that was a shock. because Casey was really pretty, like seriously she was a straight 10, and I am at most a 6.


Kerilee; it's chill case. Sam, may I ask you a pressing question.

Sam; proceed keri

Kerilee; are you straight

And I burst out laughing, they thought I was gay. Oh wow. This was quite gold.

Casey; omg Keri ffs you can't just ask that wow I'm sorry sam

Sam; no no it's fine, yes I am straight keri :-)

Kerilee; and Michael is your fave?

Sam; I just think he is the one I can relate to more out of the four, I feel like we have a connection.

We really did have a connection, a closer one than they could ever think.

Casey; I'm sorry about that, it was embarrassing, I don't think about guys in that way normally I'm sorry aha.

I was confused why Casey had sent this but I realised that she had privately iMessaged me.

Sam; don't worry about it, don't forget I have twitter I see people writing it down, at least you're thinking it in private and not out loud.

Casey; I'm thinking outttt loudddd

Sam; smh no

Casey; bad timing?

Sam; just smh Case

Casey; using my nickname ay?

Sam; am I allowed to?

Casey; of course you can Sammy

Sam; Sammy? I like it

Casey; good you're stuck with it.

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