seventeen. [m.g.c]

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15 Days until Sydney show

My head was pounding and my stomach was turning like hell, and my bedroom smelt funny, bottles were everywhere. I rolled over expecting there to be space for me to move, except i rolled into a body, and I immediately sat up. Shit. I prayed to god that I hadn't been stupid, I prayed and prayed that I had been good and not been completely stupid.

I stood up, getting a glance of the body next to me, and my heart broke. It was some randomer, she was naked. I left the room wanting to get straight to te bathroom. I opened the bathroom door, revealing a petite girl trying to fix her make up, mascara down her face, her eyeliner all over the lids, her lipstick smudged. She was wearing Ashton's Blink 182 top, with little slipper boots on. When she turned and faced me, I realised it was Casey, and she had been crying. When her gaze met mine, she began to shake her head and her eyes became glassy.

"Casey, no no wait what have I done? Casey!" I spoke as I tried to get her to stay, but with no luck, all i heard were faint sobs as she walked back into Ashton's room."FUCK" I screamed as I punched the wall. I had fucked up, I knew it was all about this girl I had slept with. I really like Casey and the fact that I had fucked this up really annoyed me. How could I do this? I could've had something with Case, she was everything I could ever have asked for, she was perfect, she was simple, she was beautiful and I loved her.

I loved her. Oh my god I was in love with her. I wandered back into my bedroom, seeing that the girl i had slept with last night had left. My phone buzzed on my dresser

Casey; Sam, I need you right now, we havent spoken in ages, and I need you I've gotten in too deep with Michael and it's all backfired, Im heartbroken I need you Sam.

And I couldnt bring myself to reply. I was way too angry with myself that I couldnt even talk to her as Sam.

I got dressed and grabbed my car keys, putting on a leather jacket and sunglasses I made my way towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard Ashton ask, my eyes flickered to Casey sat next to him, her eyes puffy, but she still looked flawless.

"I need to go out" I snapped.

"Can I go with you" a croaky voice spoke up

"Casey what're you doing" I heard Ashton whisper

"You want to come with me?" I spoke, shock in my voice.

"Y-yes is that okay?" She shook as she spoke. "W-we need to talk"

I nodded towards the door signalling her to come out, she pulled on a jacket and walked out the door to the car and sat in the front. For the first five minutes, the car journey was silent, no music, no conversation. Nothing.

"Whyd you do it?" She spoke after what seemed like an eternity of silence, her gaze not leaving the road.

"Case she didn't mean any-"

"No. Why did you kiss me, why did you kiss me as then do that"

"Casey I was drunk"

"We were supposed to be celebrating me, the fact I had an amazing job, a possibility of a future and you weren't there at all that night. you were having sex with a slut upstairs!" She shouted, a few tears escaping her eyes.
"I was stupid to think I even had a chance with you" she muttered.

I slammed on the brakes, "why, why is that?" Tears brimming my eyes. "because I'm famous? You think because I'm famous I can't fall in love with normal girls? You're not normal to me Casey, you're everything"

"Fall in love?" She questioned.

"Yes Casey, I think I'm falling for you"

"Michael no, you can't, I won't let you"

"Try and stop me" I leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was so full of passion, and it was beautiful.

"Michael" she whispered, "I don't want to go too fast"

"Okay, i get you" I smiled. "I'm sorry I fucked up"

"It's okay"

"Thank you"

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