twenty two [m.g.c]

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twenty two. [m.g.c]

10 days until Sydney concert


I still couldn't get that image out of my head, I mean yeah we were just friends but I still felt like we were more than that, but obviously not. Casey did say that she didn't mean for it to happen and she just got caught in the moment, but I didn't know.

We were still being friends at the minute but things didn't feel the same, everything had turned a little sour. Not super sour, but just a little off and I didn't like it one bit. I hadnt bothered talking to her on the Sam account for the past few days, I needed to get my head straight. I needed to decide what I wanted.

"Dude, you need to let it go" Ashton said as he patted my shoulder. "Sitting there with your head in your hands isn't going to solve the issue"

"Fuck off Ashton, you don't what it's like" I mumbled as I sat up.

"You have no idea." He said "no clue at all"

"What do you mean"? I questioned, the guy wasn't even making any sense at all.

"You know what, never mind. Just stop moping and get your shit together or someone else will" he said as he stormed out of the front door. I was so confused, what the fuck was up with everyone at the minute. I had had enough.

I went upstairs and grabbed a bag, filling it with clothes and essentials. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note;

"I need a few days away, my head has been battered around. I'll be back in three days, just ring or text me, don't come and find me, I'll be okay
Michael x"

I folded the piece of paper up and took it downstairs writing 'lads' on the front fold and leaving it propped up on the kitchen counter.

I sighed and picked up my car keys and May way out the house, locking the door behind me and walking up to my car.

"Hey Michael" I heard a voice shout, I looked over to see the voice was coming from Casey and she was walking over.

I decided to ignore her constant shouts and get into the car and drive off, not wanting to glance in her direction.


A/N: hello my beautiful readers, I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone taking their time to read this on here and on facebook, the support I've had has been unbelievable and the fact I have over 2000 reads already is unbelievable. But I don't care about the stats because I just love writing this. I have have whole story written and also have a sequel planned if you guys want it?

And I want to dedicate this book to the whole of The Sqwad who are the best people I've come across follow the sqwad on Twitter @sqwad5sos

Also follow me on twitter @badlandsftbroco
and I'll be your best friend for life, don't be afraid to tweet me I don't bite 😘

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