twenty three. [c.a.m]

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twenty three [c.a.m]

9 days until Sydney concert

Casey; Michael what the fuck?
Casey; Michael I'm being serious okay
Casey; we are all fucking worried about you okay?
Casey; why did you just go like that?
Casey; why didn't you speak to me when I was stood right there?
Casey; if this is about me then tell me, don't take it out on those boys.
Casey; they're going out of their minds
Casey; talk to me
Casey; please

Michael;I'll be back in two days.

I thre my phone across the room, why would he do this? Why would he just take off? I thought everything was okay I thought we were friends again. I was angry, I was angry at him, I was angry at the not, I was angry at the ignoring, and I was angry at myself.

If I hadn't have kissed Callum we wouldn't be in this situation and I just wanted to disappear, just like Michael had, that way there would be less of an issue right now.

All I could do was wait until he came back, but I was beginning to get nervous, what if he wouldn't come back? I needed to do something to take my mind off of everything.

Casey; Callum? Can we go shopping, I have no girl friends to go with

Callum; of course Case, we can

I smiled at my phone he was a great friend and I'm so happy I was living with him now, I was going to miss him when I go on my new job

Casey; I need clothes for my new jo

Callum; oh yeah, that :(

Casey; it's only for a year or so Callum

Callum I'm going to be lonely

Casey; have a new roommate we need another person to help with bills anyway

Callum; okay I'll ask about.

Casey; pick me up soon, where are you anyway?

Callum; I'm at a mates

Casey; are you at Tiff's house?

Callum; yes

Casey; for fuck sake you know how much of a slut she is, do not get sucked in this time

Callum; I won't I promise, I'll be there about 12

Casey; okay Cal see you soon.

I decided to grab a notebook and a pen and make a list of the stuff I needed for my job


I had most of my equipment in my spare cupboard in my room but I needed to get more personal items. I was finally becoming excited for this job and couldn't wait to start.

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