Separating The Ties

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A/N: if any of you are confused about the name change from Becky to Becca I strongly suggest you at least read the introduction to my first book. It is going through some heavy editing right now (p.s only a quarter of it is edited so the book as a whole is kind of confusing). I was planning on publishing this after it was done but the editing is taking longer than I thought so I'll be just publishing this and maybe another part until I finish editing.

Also chapters will be longer than this.

"Zed, we need to talk"

The boy sighed and took a seat next to me on one of the Seabrook park benches. He knew what was happening, neither of us could deny that it was bound to happen anyway.

"We need to talk never means something good, does it?" I shook my head 'no' at his question.

I clenched and unclenched my now sweaty hands, trying to come up with a sentence to start, trying to fix the jumbled up mess in my head. I wiped my hand before reaching over and grabbing his, which was in the same condition as mine.

"I really don't how to say this, but I'll try my best"

Thankfully no one was at the park, it was cloudy, not like it usually is, creating an atmosphere most people would not like to spend their day in.

"We've both come so far, and in doing so we joined two different cliques, you are gaining more popularity and this reality is amazing.." Zed lifted his head to look at me, eyes glossed over, my bright green eyes doing the same. "..I just don't think I fit in to that reality"

"So, did you just stick with me because I was the outsider?" He did not ask this question in anger, I could tell he's not placing the blame on one specific person. He, like myself, is trying to grasp the situation with two hands.

"Zed you know that's not what I mean"

He nodded, kicking up some dirt as a fidget for this situation. I looked away not being able to handle this all to well. My fidget for this situation was tugging on the strings to my sweatshirt. My lips felt dry, my eyes starting to burn.

"Zed, face it, this isn't working, and I care for you I really do.. but maybe that Someday, the movies, the long walks in the park, should be spent with other people"

The boy sitting next to me exhaled deeply, showing me that he had held his breath while I was speaking.

"So now what? We forget about this, us?"

I, like him, did not know the answer to many of these questions. This was both of our first relationship. Plus we're going, we didn't know how to act.

"What about Prawn?"

I had been excited to go, with a date of course. Both of us were. At the time of Prawn's announcement we planned to go together. But maybe when we were planning for this big event, we left out the thought of each other.

Silence then engulfed us, we both had retracted out hands, and just sat there. Staring into the woods around us, leaves bristling against the wind, the grass flowing in one direction.

I was the first one the speak up,
"I happen to know of a certain someone, pale white hair, who'd love to go to Prawn with a certain zombie"

Yes, my cousin, although she never said anything for my emotional protection, had a crush of Zed the zombie. He accepted her happily when she embraced her snow like hair, warming up her heart for him.

Anyone could see it really. And deep down inside me, I knew he liked her too.


I could tell he felt guilty, accepting another person's feelings, especially my cousin's. And sure I still might hold some bitter feelings, deep down, but who wouldn't? As long as those two can be happy, I can do my best to suck it up.

He opened his mouth the protest my idea, so I continued.

"And I happen to know of a girl, with gorgeous green eyes and amazing hair" he chuckled at my self compliments, showing that it worked in lightening the mood. "Who'd love to catch up on some protesting with Eliza on Prawn night anyway"

I did not lie, might as well spend the big night with one of my closest zombie friends while putting in some light protesting as well.

"Really?" This time he had a small smile when asking the one word question.

"Yeah, I'd rather hang out with your pals anyway, instead of standing anywhere near the Acey's with their judgemental eyes"

"I bet it's just jealousy"

We both laughed at this, and also at where this conversation lead to, just glad we could still talk as friends.

When we fell back into silence, the only thing heard was the rustling of leaves and the chirping of a few birds who decided to wander around the park for a bit. Zed interrupted this by clearing his throat and extending his arm out to me.

"Let's start over, I'm Zed, zombie, Seabrook High School football star"

I giggled at his introduction and grasped his outstretched hand, holding it firmly in my grip and giving a small shake.

"Nice to meet you Zed, zombie, Seabrook High-"

He rolled his eyes jokingly at the start of my introduction. "Okay okay"

"I'm Becca, human, cheer co captain"

We let go of each other's hand this time with smiles on our faces.

And that's where this story starts. I'm boyfriend-less, but hey, at least I won't have my parents and brother breathing down my neck as much. And Addison is happy, that too.

Zed and I are still friends to this day, I don't see why we wouldn't be.

Things have been going well in Seabrook. Zombies and humans now are seen together on an everyday basis. From left to right you can see little zombie and human kids playing on the swings, adult zombies gossiping about what they've seen in the daily newspaper, human and zombie teens hand in hand taking a nice stroll.

It's great, and to think there was a time when humans were afraid of zombies.

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