Ready To Defend

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"It's gone"

I chill creeped its way up my spine when I saw the deathly glare Willa and the pack of wolves sent my cousin's way.

Even Wynter's bubbly exterior diminished once she heard this words.

"You lost it?" Wynter asked, slight anger and worry was shown through her usually sparkling eyes.

"Do you know how precious a moonstone necklace is?" Willa scoffed after her rhetorical question before continuing.

"If she was serious about being a wolf, if she was the Great Alpha, she wouldn't have been so careless."

The saliva forming in my mouth seemed to get lodged in my throat at Willa's scolding, causing me to harshly swallow because of it, automatically showing my discomfort to anyone who might've been paying attention to my cowering posterior.

"No I-I don't know how-"

Swiping the hair away from her eyes, Willa let out an angry sigh before staring at me with a look that could and definitely would kill.

"At least tell me you still have it princess" the name meant to be used adoringly came out of her mouth with a high level of venom, seeing as how she was still angry at Addison and now had me to direct it at.

Wyatt, who had been stiffly standing next to his sister, refusing to say anything to hide his clear disappointment decided to make his presence more clear to his sister.

Clenching his fists he spoke to his sibling, while looking at me in the eyes with much concern and dare I say, adoration. "She did nothing wrong, Willa" he grunted to her disapprovingly.

The girl, still fuming with anger, only rolled her eyes before repeating the question with much more ferocity.

"Do you still have your moonstone?"

I meekly nodded and pulled out the small box from my pocket, opening it out to the werewolves, showing the gem which reflected the hallway lights. My knuckles were turning slightly white with how tight I had been holding the wooden box. In fear of it somehow disappearing through my fingertips.

Willa, already choosing anger as her emotions to portray for the next few moments only let out a grunt of approval, signalling her brother to step forward.

Still tense from the situation, Wyatt gave me a closed lip smile, reaching his hands out towards the necklace.

I knew what this meant.

He was going to put it on me.

But do I want that?

Clasping the box shut, almost taking Wyatt's fingers with it, I pulled it away from his expecting hands. The noise resulting had startled the wolves, Wynter letting out a help at the sound.

Willa's eyes held confusion, while Wyatt's only had signs of concern.

"M-maybe I should place it on later, a-as in when we're there, y'know so I can, um-" I tried my best to think of an excuse, not wanting to startle them even further with stating my doubts, "mentally prepare...myself?" As I had continued on with my excuse my voice had risen tremendously, making it seem like I had asked them a question.

Wynter had easily bought it and pouted her lips with understanding and proceeded to give me an encouraging smile.

Willa only raised a finely done eyebrow, leaning more on her right hip. The wolves copying her actions, waiting for her to tell them what to believe.

Wyatt, noticing the way my breathing had gone erratic, and how my pupils were shaking, eyes looking around for some type of signal, had come up with two conclusions.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now