It's Wyatt

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"Zedski Predski"

"Vote for Zed"

Purposely going against my brother's wishes I handed out flyers that said in big bubble letters 'Zed 4 Prez'.

It may or may not have been my idea to put Bonzo in a sign telling people to vote for Zed. Not put his picture in, like actually made him wear a sign.

It was a joke at the time, although Bonzo happily jumped on board with the idea.

So far my stack of over fifty flyers went down to a stack of fifteen. The human students of Seabrook were surprisingly nice when taking and declining the flyers.

It's hard to understand. How come my brother is surrounded by people with occasional manners and yet he's learned nothing.

That'll forever remain a mystery.

"Gruza Zedski"

With Bonzo's use of zombie tongue we were able to reach a wider range of zombies in the school who couldn't speak English fluently.

Passing out another flyer I tried to use my knowledge of zombie tongue, "Gar..uza Zeds..kay"

Bonzo only snickered at my choppy pronunciation.

"Shish, boom, Bucky Buchanan for president, a vote for cheer-fection" my brother for his promotional campaign decided to parade around the outside of the school with his bright pink van- although no one was supposed to be driving any type of mobile this close to the school doors.

I immediately recognized that phrase that was playing on repeat. Through the not so soundproof walls of my room the night prior, I could hear a muffled voice speaking the same line over and over, trying to perfect it.

I didn't get any sleep that night.

"Becca, Bonzo!"

Bonzo and I turned away from our duties to see Eliza waving us over, the school doors being held open by Zed who waited there for us to catch up.

"With cheer fans in Bucky's camp, and the zombies and football team in mine, the school's split right down the middle, werewolves are the swing vote"

Once we were in hearing range Zed brought up the news about the election.

It was pretty ironic how this election is turning out. And although I have a lot of faith in Zed I would've expected my brother to have this in the bag by now.

"Werewolves are key to winning this election" Eliza added on, nodding her head towards the group of teens standing at the end of the hall, finding enjoyment in terrorizing anyone who passed by. "We know winning over the wo- Becca?"

Already one step ahead of the game I clutched onto the papers in my arms and made my way over to the werewolves, trying my best to not falter my stride.

"Hello again"

My appearance wasn't much appreciated by the pack of wolves, receiving not so much as a smile from anybody.


Except for him of course.

I awkwardly cleared my throat after just standing there in silence waiting for a response that was never coming.

"I just wanted to stop by to see how you've all adapted to our school, I understand that it can be a bit overwhelming but if you just stick with the right people you'll be fine"

Oh my goodness now you can practically hear the crickets chirping.

"Well if there's anything at all I can do for any of you just come to me, you can seriously ask for the simplest of things I really don't care" this was my last shot. Deciding to just leave there I smiled at them showing my pearly whites before turning away to leave them be.

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