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As in, for eternity.

Great. And I thought choosing a future occupation would be the biggest decision of my life.

Or even what to wear to Prawn.

But no. Now I'm given the choice to either stay human with my unique eyes, or grow claws, fangs and slightly pointed ears.

If I choose to become a werewolf I'd have a pack, a family, who are like me, who like me for me.

Although it might mean I'd be excluded from the family that raised me. And even though my brother is majorly annoying, I wouldn't want to be exiled from his life.

I let out a shaky breath after a moment of silence and constant debating.

"What? No! Wait" Zed protested, his arms outstretched in front of him out of exasperation and desperation.

In my mind I had so wanted to just put on the necklace, just to annoy the zombie. Unfortunately I had not come to a final decision, meaning Zed's desperate pleads of 'wait' would be answered.

Addison turned to look at me after she had quietly calmed down Zed, giving a look of understanding to each other, I gave Addison a nod of approval for her to speak for the both of us.

"Can we think about it?"

Willa looked conflicted. I could tell she wanted to take control, she wanted to give orders. But the wolf girl held herself together and looked to her brother and Wynter for any silent input.

I looked at Wyatt with pleading eyes while my lips almost turned pouty.

Through a silent conversation of their own, the two siblings had come up to a conclusion faster than Addison and I had.

Willa with a gentle smile, held the box out to us.

Hesitantly and carefully- not wanting to upset the pack with any recklessness- I grasped on tightly to the small wooden box. Glancing once more at the jewels inside I shut the box, hearing an almost satisfying click of wood on wood.

"Once you've joined us you can lead us to the hidden moonstone" Wyatt had spoken this with a stern but excited look. Probably feeling somewhat victorious at getting a step closer to saving his pack.

"But neither of them know where it is" Wynter has pointed out, seemingly confused at how this initiation would help them.

A harsh grumble of stones within the cave crashing to the ground, followed by a constant vibration of the earth beneath us had caused me to lose my balance.

Wobbling slightly on the stone slab that had giving Addison and I some height, my boots unfortunately did not have much gripping ability.

The shaking continued, so I gripped onto the small wooden box and braced for impact onto the cold cave floor.

When my feet no longer had been touching the surface I squeezed my eyes shut. And as cliche as it sounds I had hoped Wyatt was standing near, ready to catch me. Similar to cheesy romance films.

A second after the feeling of falling had began I was quickly embraced into a pair of warm arms.

Arms I had become familiar with.

Holding me tightly was Wyatt, who scanned over me for any injuries before checking if the most valuable item to wolf kind had been damaged.

Thankfully neither me or the box had been damaged in the short lasting free fall.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now