A Leader (who's no longer in the shadows)

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"So what happened with trying to win over the wolves?"

Before answering Bree's question I swallowed the gulp of water I had in my mouth, placing the bottle next to me on the bleachers.

I shrugged, "It didn't go too well, Zed's tactic was not the best"

Bree nodded, looking over at the group of cheerleaders on the gym floor who were chattering away about today's practice. She smiled at me softly and placed a hand onto my shoulder. "Sorry you won't be able to participate" her lips formed into a slight pout as she said this.

My father told me I'd have to refrain from participating in any fast moving activities as I was still on the path to recovery from my concussion. I still get headaches, and by doing cheer it could put me in more pain, so sadly I have to sit this practice out along with the next couple until I am able to give it my all.

I smiled, patting her hand that lay on my shoulder. "It's alright, I'll just cheer you guys on from here"

The piercing screech of a whistle rang throughout the gym. It was from Addison, who had her own whistle dangling around her neck.

Bree straightened up, flattened her cheer outfit of wrinkles, before making her way to Addison, who is going to be today's cheer captain.

Bree only made it down two steps before swiftly turning on her feet, making the bleachers rattle. She turned to me and asked, "are you sure you're feeling alright? You need an ice pack? Some water?"

Chuckling I raised up the water bottle next to me before shooing the girl away, "go have fun, I'm fine"

Shooting me two thumbs up she practically leaped off the benches, the bench shaking beneath the movement, and made her way to the group.

Once she was out of reach, I sighed and let myself get as comfortable as I could on the bleachers. Letting my legs swing and letting my fingers drum on the metal bench.

"What are you doing up here?"

I gasped at the warm breath hitting my ears, leaning away from the voice. I hunched over my shoulders before looking around to see the now occupied seats next to me. The wolves had surprisingly quietly joined me on the bench, situating themselves around me.

"I'd like to ask you the same question"

Wyatt smirked before plopping himself down next to me, a little bit close.

He leaned on his arm closest to me, "we just came to watch, although I was hoping to see you in action"

I blushed as he stared at the side of my face, fondness taking over his eyes.

"Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me"

I smiled at the friendlier wolf girl who beelined her way through the pack before taking a seat at the step in front of me. She turned her torso so she could see me, propping her chin upon her open palm, leaning on her elbow.

Wynter flashed her fangs nonchalantly. "Cute outfit". I smiled at her compliment. I was glad to know that my choice of a light blue blouse and some ripped up jean shorts wasn't a total bust. "You really could add some flare though"

From the way she suggested it I could tell she referencing to her and her pack's jackets that had fur coating different areas on the sleeves and chest.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind" I told her. I knew I'd have to venture out beyond Seabrook perimeters to find anything remotely like what the girl was wearing currently.

Her smile grew wider, showing off more of her sharp teeth, before turning around to face the practice and rubbed her side. Probably a bit sore from having turned one-eighty degrees torso only.

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